Crimson Grin

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Christine's eyes snapped back open as she felt her sandwich almost leaver her weakening grip. She sat up straight and finished what remained of her pre-made hospital cafeteria dinner. Bread, cheese, turkey, and lettuce could hardly be considered a meal. But since they were free for nurses she didn't mind.

Her half-hour break was almost up. She had spent it, as she often does, with her brother in his hospital room. Her parents had suggested that she spend more time with him, and this was the best way she could think of to meet that request. It's not as though she disliked him, they got along just fine. Their bond just wasn't as strong as it could have been. She saw him as more of a friend than a brother.

She wasn't sure if his Leukemia diagnosis had brought them closer together or not. It must have. She couldn't see a reason for it not to. The possibility of death always brings family together, whether they like it or not. Although she felt that her family had become closer as a result, she couldn't help but think to herself that looking on the bright side of a cancer diagnosis was slightly taboo.

She tried to visit Jack at least once every shift during her breaks. Her work as a nurse didn't really allow for many pre-planned visits which is why her breaks were the ideal time. She would spend time with him, eat her lunch or dinner, talk with him about whatever new movie or video game had come out, and then leave to resume her responsibilities.

She always felt he was a bit immature for his age. Her and her parents thought that anime, Sci Fi movies and video games aren't really things that should be on the mind of a high school senior who has college plans. Whenever the topic would come up he would always say the same thing-

"You need to relax, everything's fine." Jack said, facing her with his signature grin. "I see you looking at me like you always do; disappointment with a hint of pity."

"I didn't say anything." Christine said, still slightly dazed. She had been lost in her thoughts and had not realized he had been trying to talk to her.

"I know you didn't, but I know that look anywhere," Jack turned around and continued playing his game on the hospital room tv. "I know you guys think I'm not taking this whole thing seriously but I promise I am. Serious as a heart attack," he continued though a mouthful of pepperoni pizza. "Although I guess my situation is arguably worse isn't it?"

Christine laughed as Jack attempted to sneakily wipe the pizza grease from his hands onto his hospital gown. He always had a good sense of humor. She was grateful that the cancer had not taken that away from him.

"Don't you think you've eaten enough today?" Christine asked. "What if you throw up again?"

"Then I guess I'll vomit up pizza." Jack said, turning around to face her with a greasy smile.

"Gotcha!" shouted Tommy. "It's your fault for looking away."

"So you think you're Mr. Tough Guy huh?" Jack responded. "Don't get too cocky, I'll get you back in no time."

Tommy was a young boy whose treatment was being done on the same floor as Jack. One day he happened to walk by Jack's treatment room to see him playing the newest Call of Duty. Tommy asked if he could watch him play and they've been friends ever since. Despite Tommy being 5 years younger than Jack, they get along great since their interests overlapped so much.

"Thomas, say goodbye to Jack it's almost time for bed." Tommy's mother said as she leaned into the room. "You need your energy for tomorrow."

"Just a few more minutes Mom, please?" Tommy begged.

"Alright," She replied after a long sigh.

"Yes! Thanks Mom!" He said as his eyes lit up. His attention soon returned to the game.

Crimson Grin - A Horror Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now