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I was finally home and Thalia came in rushing in a few minutes after I walked through my door.

"Y/N L/N YOU BETTER COME HERE NOW" my mom yelled.

I slowly walked downstairs ready for the yelling  I was about to recieve.


I rolled my eyes at her pathetic comment.

"You are kidding me, that's what you are yelling me for" I said crossing my arms.

I didn't care about it one bit.

"How dare you run off with Kageyama! I like him" she exclaimed.

I know she has to be joking. It wouldn't even work if they got into a relationship. I mean we go to totally different schools...

"Okay Thalia" I said numb.

I could care less.

"YOU ARE SO INCOMPETENT AND CLEARLY DON'T CARE ABOUT THALIA'S FEELINGS I CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVE A DAUGHTER LIKE YOU GO TO YOUR ROOM" I followed her directions and ran to my room. I had no emotion to whatever she was saying.

I just hate that Thalia get's everything handed to her. I get the scraps. I mean my mom never hugs me or even touches me. Yet, every time she comes over all the attention goes to her...

I finally broke. I felt tears rush down my cheeks. I was so tense. I sat there and cried against the door. Thalia rushed in looking for me.

"You know I like Kageyama y/n so what's your deal" she said with attitude. I stood up from the floor and glared at her right In the eyes.

"You know what... I am done with this shit.. you get everything handed to you,my own mom doesn't even care about me and here I am spilling my heart of all people you.." I said shouting.

I am tired of kissing her ass. I want to do what I want this time.

" I hate having the verbal abuse of every single day of my life and when you come EVERYTHING GETS HANDED TO YOU THALIA I ACUTALLY HAVE TO TRY TO BE THE DAUGHTER SHE WANTS BUT IT DOESN'T WORK" I said nearly in tears again.

"I-I'm sorry y/n...I mean I never- "

"of course you didn't!! You are so wrapped up in yourself you don't know how to react and get this I like Kageyama too!! I couldn't tell you because remember you always have to get everything- I CAN'T EVEN TRY TO BE A GOOD CHILD TO HER OR GETTING THE GUY I MAY WANT and I'm Done! I'm Done" I said running out the door.

"Y/n wait where are going" she exclaimed.

I couldn't even look back. I was so filled with anger and sadness that I didn't know what do so I called the last person who called me. "Kageyama where-'s your h-house" I said stuttering and stammering.

I heard him say his address and I got my gps and ran to it. I finally found it and when he opened the door I hugged him. I instantly started crying. I hated him to see me this vulnerable but I didn't know what else to do.

"What's wrong y/n" he asked, trying to get a good look at my face.

"I don't want to talk about it right now" I said in sniffles.


It was a little bit later and Kageyama's mom was so nice to me. She gave me some dinner and she was very welcoming. I was so thankful for her to accept me in her house.

I was offered to stay the night. I was hesitant on my answer. I finally said


"Oh sweetie you can stay in Kageyama's room if that's okay with you" she said smirking.

"Oh uhm thank you, I guess that's okay right Kags" I questioned while looking at him.

I could see a part of his cheeks were blushing. I smiled at his reaction.

"Whatever..." he said trying not to draw attention to him.

"Oh that's great, Kageyama go get some clean sheets" she said.

"I'll get you a pair of clothes for you to wear"

I was so in awe by her hospitality.

"Thank you" I said with a small grin.

I changed into the clothes and they were pink fuzzy pajamas.

"Oh wow...." I walked outside the bathroom and threw my hoodie back on. I walked into Kageyama's room and sat on his bed.

"You ready to tell me why you were crying" he said casual. I explained everything but left out the part of me liking him.

"That's messed up y/n, I'm sorry y/n you don't deserve that from your mom" he said getting closer to me.

I honestly didn't want his pity.

I just wanted to go to sleep. I mean just being there in his house I felt better.

Laying down in his bed in an instant, and I knocked out. It was a little later when he snuggled next to me.

I felt his body warmth get closer to me. I didn't hesitate to get closer to him either. I gave him a little hug and he didn't hesitate to get closer to your chest.

You both slept peacefully the entire time..

This chapter hella crazy- I honestly don't know I feel about it. But I hope you enjoyed.

Words: 903

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