Chapter 25:- A Warning Issued

Start from the beginning

"Someone poisoned her food. Aconite is Wolfsbane and Oleander is a very lethal poison in the human world. The Wolfsbane mixed with Oleander was ruining her organs from the inside. I have drained the poison and given her one of the medicines. She should be up in a few days but we don't know how long it will take."

"What does that mean?" Connor asked silently.

"It means that the damage was bad, so she can wake up any time during the next two to seven. If it's more than seven days, we'll have to think of another course of treatment."

"Wouldn't it become worse if this treatment isn't working and we have to wait for seven more days?"

Mason bowed his head slightly and whispered, "That's the thing, there's no way to find out before seven days."

The four werewolves stood silently in the hallways until Ileana spoke, "So we wait." Connor immediately turned to look at Ileana, making the wolf a little conscious but she didn't let it stop her this time.

"Ileana, this isn't...."

"Ryan, this is Selena," Ileana interrupted her mate and then turned to look at Connor's stony face, "Mason is one of the best werewolf doctors. He studied human medicine and he worked with numerous pack elders to learn about werewolf medicine too. I believe him if he says this is our only option right now."

"What if the seven days worsen her condition?" Connor asked Ileana.

"She will be constantly under observation and someone will be constantly checking on her." Mason looked at Ryan, "We will not disappoint, Beta." He then turned to look at Connor, "Trust us, sir."

Damien burst through the door in Xavier's office only to be greeted by Connor standing by the window, and Ryan sitting in one of the visitor's chairs, facing the door. Adriana was right behind him.

"We just heard, how is she doing?" Damien voiced his worries.

Ryan narrated the events of that evening. Just as he finished, Connor turned around.

Adriana kept a hand on Damien's voice, hoping to calm him down when she felt her mate tensing.

"So, we know who did it?"

"I have my guesses."

The couple turned to look at Connor, Adriana's eyes softened on seeing him.

Connor's face showed rage but Adriana could see the fear hidden behind it. However, she knew better than voicing it then and there.

Damien however still held the anger in his eyes.


"Please don't apologize." Damien nodded his head silently, there was regret in his eyes but the fire burnt brighter than it, "My sister has been here for a few months now, she has been in the hospital twice, and that's just as far as I know."

"Does Xavier know?" Damien asked after a few second's silence.

"No," Ryan answered this time, "He just went today. I thought we can wait until she wakes up, if she doesn't in say three days, I will let him know then."

"She's his mate. He should know," Connor said.

"He needs to get his work done. They've gone to discuss important things, things that concern Selena too. Right now if he comes rushing back being emotional it'll only put us in a bad position with the hunters."

When Connor continued to stare at Ryan, and the beta continued, "If it gets any worse, the first person I will call is Xavier. But right now, we need this meeting, we need our allies."

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