#43 She is very special to me

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❤️Happy 2021❤️


The room was slightly dark as all the windows were closed and the lights were off.

I slowly registered that the hall was empty.

"No one is here...it's just me," I said slowly.

The lights in the room came back, and I blinked.

"That's right, no one is here, it's just you and me."

I whirled around at the voice. My heart felt like it will explode at any moment.

I just stared at Michael, who was standing in front of the door, his hands folded across his chest, and his gaze never leaving me.

"I...I..." I stuttered while my eyes roamed around the room. He was standing in front of my only escape route.

"Where are you avoiding me?" He unfolded his hands and walked towards me. My heart raced as he advanced closer.

I gasped as I felt myself being pushed to the wall and before I could even react; his lips came down on me.

The kiss was deep and demanding; it was hot and urgent; it was making me weak and trembling.

"Michael-" I pushed him back, but stopped once again as he came back to me with double the speed. I was prepared this time but froze as his lips pressed against the lower jaw, then slide down my neck while his hands held my waist, holding me against the wall as he kissed my skin.

Goosebumps erupted all over me; I could no longer stay sane. My hands wound around his neck on their own, and I welcomed it when he kissed me again. I liked the way he was pressed to me, and his unique scent invaded my senses.


I opened my eyes slowly to see the dark, desire filled eyes of his.

"I love you, princess..."

My heart lept, and I opened my eyes forcefully. My entire body felt like it was in a trance while my limbs were trembling as if I had been on a marathon.

I took deep breaths and recognized the outline of my room in the semi-darkness.

It was just a dream? How could it feel so real?

I touched my lips; it felt warm, as if I had been kissed deeply and passionately.

I shook my head.

How could I dream about my business partner in such vivid details?

It's his fault because he kissed me the first time I met him...and the words as well, it was those exact words he told me when I first met him at the pool.

I love you, princess...

The words seemed to echo around me, and I shook my head again.

I must've been too tired yesterday to have this kind of dream!

I had to stay up with my team yesterday as we had to find a Plan B in case our new project didn't go as planned, all thanks to CIO Michael!

Looks like I had been thinking about the project and the guy too much to have this kind of dream!

My limbs were still trembling as I got up from the bed and sat there.

Once I stopped trembling, I got up slowly and walked my way to the kitchen side of the apartment.

The apartment was originally my mama's, but she registered it under my name on the last birthday. I stay here whenever mama is on business trips or I have to do overtime as it's nearby the company in the city's heart. On the other days, I spend my days with her at home.

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