Secret Feelings (Tsurugi Kyousuke x Reader)

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[A/N: Hey Readers!! I'm back! ><

Yahho! It's good to be back~

This story is dedicated to: @Sports_Anime_Lover

Thanks for already ask and wait patiently! ^^

By the way, this one-shots story is a bit different because this is Tsurugi Kyousuke's point of view story!

Please enjoy reading, hope you like it~ ♥]

As usual, I went to hospital to check on nii-san (big brother). It seems like he got better and better day by day.



"Do you still remember [l/n] [f/n]?"

I almost choked, "ah yes, I remember. Why?"

Nii-san chukled "Don't ask me why, so.. do you still have some feelings towards her?"

"Why do you bring this topic anyway"

"Just asking, you should have confess to her quickly that time. we don't know when exactly she will come here again right?"

"Well I don't care anyway, liking someone doesn't mean you have to tell him or her or have them as yours"

"But what if someone took her before you?"

"It's probably their fate to be together"

"yare yare.. (my, my..)"

"It's already late, take care nii-san. I'm going now"

He just chukled, "Bye kyousuke."

----Next day----

"Minna (everyone), today we have a new friend with us, please introduce yourself" Coach Endou said. I carelessly paid attention to it but that won't last long untill I know that...

"hello, my name is [l/n] [f/n], nice to meet you"

she's back...

my heart beat faster than usual, so I really still have this feelings until now huh?

"I'm going to be a manager here, I will do my best!" [f/n] said

[l/n] [f/n] is my childhood friend. We used to play together with nii-san. And I secretly liking her since we were kids. But she moved away to another country and three months after she moved away nii-san had an accident.

A few years later, she came back here for awhile and we met again. Nii-san said that I have to confess to her, but I don't.

So now, should I confess to her? Nah I don't think so about that.

----Skip time----

We were match practicing as team A with the captain Shindou and team B with the captain Tenma. I'm in the team A.

In the end the score was 3-2 with victory on team A's side. "As expected from you Tsurugi!" Tenma said "you too, Tenma"

Suddenly someone poked me, "Otsukare (thanks for your cooperation), kyousuke" [f/n] said while handing me a bottle of water and a towel.

"Ohisashiburidesu! (it's been a long time)" she said "Ah, yeah.."

"[F/n]-san! Can you help me with this?" Aoi shouted "ah of course! See you later kyousuke!" she said and ran to Aoi.

----After school----

I leaned on the school gate while waiting for [f/n]. "Sorry for waiting so long!" She said and hurriedly ran to me "oh yes.., it's okay" I said. Then we went home together.

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