Chapter 39 - NSFW

Start from the beginning

"...Well, no. I miss her, but I've been dying to come back here. All of my memories are good ones, so I love being here." 

Natsu placed his hand on her shoulder and looked her in the eyes. "You sure..?"

"Yes, I'm sure! Is this why you two have been so quiet? You really don't need to worry, okay?" She laughed sweetly, taking his hand off of her shoulder and holding it tightly. They decided to trust her, and Happy gasped once he opened his room door. "Fishies!" He scurried in, looking at all of the fish-print decor. 

Lucy grinned as she whispered in Natsu's ear, "I told them he liked fish, but I think they went a little overboard…"

Natsu chuckled, "Yeah, but the little guy seems to love it." Happy was draped across his bed, snuggling into the fish sheets.

"He's so cute… let's see what they did with our room…" Lucy walked over to the large double doors at the end of the hall, opening them and admiring what she saw.

The room was huge, about as big as the one in Tartaros. The decor was simple, but Lucy found herself flushing when she noticed the rose petals and candles. "Oh gods…" She groaned, and Natsu chuckled as he walked past her and into the room. 

"They left snacks!" He grinned, picking up a candle and eating the little flame. 

"No, Natsu… It's supposed to be romantic."

"Snacks can be romantic."

Lucy giggled, shutting the door and getting undressed. "If you say so." She set her clothes on a room divider and took her hair out of the bun it was in. "My back hurts…" She mumbled. 

Natsu didn't hesitate to pull her close to him from behind. He rubbed the skin on her neck and shoulders, Lucy sighing in delight. "You probably should rest. We've been on our feet all day." 

Lucy bit her lip as she turned around, wrapping her arms around Natsu's neck. "Yeah… but there's something else I wanna do first…" She ran her hands over his pecks, abs and eventually his behind, squeezing the firm muscle in both hands. Natsu's eyes darkened as he pulled her closer to him and dipped his head down to capture her lips.

"Have you two gotten settled yet?" 

Natsu and Lucy jolted away from each other, gaping at the maiden in the doorway. Virgo looked at them blanky, her eyes lingering on Lucy's half-naked body. "Are you enjoying the room?"

"Virgo! Don't just barge in here!" Lucy ran to shove the spirit out of the door. "Please knock next time…"

Virgo allowed herself to be pushed out. "Queen Anna would like to speak with Sir Natsu." 

"Me..?" Natsu raised a brow but made his way out the door. "For what?" 

"She wants to tell you about it herself." 

"Uh… okay, we'll finish this later." He winked at Lucy, the blonde simply huffing at the way the mood was totally ruined.

"Would you like me to bathe you, Princess?"

Natsu grinned as he heard them, easily picturing how red Lucy's face must be as he walked down the steps towards the main hall. The closer he got, the easier it was to hear Anna, and it sounded as though she were talking to someone. 

The other Zodiac members were gathered around her office, the atmosphere tense. They acknowledged Natsu, but only Capricorn addressed him verbally. "Give her a moment, please." 

Natsu nodded and leaned against the wall next to the office door, listening clearly to what she was saying. 

"I'm not going to- what? Of course not! She doesn't need to be bothered with any of this." This was probably the most angrily Natsu's ever heard her speak. "Yes, he is. You already know about that." He assumed she was talking about him and Lucy, but with who..?

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