"Whatcha doing there, Kawaii~Chan?" Aphmau asked, concerned by her friend's frantic state.

"Business," KC curtly replied as she left through the front door.

The two girls were alone yet again.

Not wanting to delay the inevitable any longer, Katelyn blurted,

"Santa isn't real."

The room became deathly silent.

Aphmau stared at Katelyn intently, almost disturbingly, before shaking her head.

"You're just like all the others."

"What do you mean I'm just like all the others?"

"The non-Santa believers!"

"Yeah, because he's not real!"

"Yes. He. Is."

Now both of them were staring at each other, eyes narrowed. By the looks of it, someone was gonna die tonight.

"How about this? Both of us make a PowerPoint on why Santa is or is not real. Then we can show it in front of a judge," Aphmau suggested, still keeping her "I'm better than you" demeanor.

"Who'd be the judges?"

"Your pick."

Katelyn thought about it. She knew that no matter who she'd choose, she was going to win. It was all a matter of who was willing to be roped into this debate.

After the party, Katelyn immediately knew that Garroth and Laurance were out of the question. Kawaii~Chan was out of the house. She was absolutely not going to choose Zane, so that left the only two other relevant characters in Mystreet to choose from.

"Dante and Aaron."

"Deal. I'll text them."


The time limit was 30 minutes.

The judges were getting restless.

After the countless amount of evidence gathered, slides created, and pictures of the jolly man himself, it was finished.

"Gentlemen," Aphmau formally greeted as she shared her laptop screen with the TV, "let the debate begin."


She was supposed to win. Aphmau had no evidence against her argument.

Katelyn had facts. Aphmau quoted the lyrics to "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" like it was scripture. Now Aphmau was laughing in Katelyn's face and telling her that she wasn't going to get any presents from Santa.

"Guys," Katelyn muttered to the deceitful judges, her eyes cast downward, "do you not realize what you've done?"

The boys in question stopped their celebration, and Katelyn's eyes met the judges.

"She believes in Santa."

As soon as those words left her mouth, Aaron and Dante's faces fell. They shared a look before looking back at Aphmau who was still basking in her glory.

They thought this was all just a joke. What two adults would seriously debate whether or not Santa was real?

Clearly, they were finally seeing a real-world example.

The two boys looked at each other one more time before uttering,

"Oh shit."


The sound of a doorbell ringing echoed through Zane's house.

Zane planned on ignoring it, instead turning his attention back to his My Little Horsies.

A Bittersweet MystreetWhere stories live. Discover now