"I don't care what he is, still don't like em." D'Nyah shrugged making Ashante sigh and shake her head.

She knew that it was gonna take time to adjust to someone new in her mom's love life that isn't her dad. She just wished that D'Nyah wasn't so stubborn and that she would open up more because she felt like it was more to that story than what D'Nyah was saying.


"Bad lil boy bad bad lil boy." Raivyn sung out the blue making Lay smack her lips.

"You been saying that shit all damn day, hell say sum else that shit getting aggravating." She mugged her.

Since Taison didn't want them to see him today and she didn't have anything better to do, she decided to visit D'Nyah's cousin Lay.

When they all took a trip to North Carolina, Raivyn and Lay hit it off. They ended up being closer, flirting, and now they visit each other from time to time.

Raivyn was just scared to tell the gang about her sexuality because she felt like they would judge her and that was far from what she wanted.

She had found somebody that makes her excited to wake up in the morning, someone that makes her feel like she is worth it and her life does matter, she had found genuine happiness.

"What's wrong ? What I said made you mad ?" Lay asked once she saw Raivyn frowning.

"No, I gotta get going tho, I gotta gut feeling that some shit don happened or is bound to happen and I can't miss it. Can you come with me tho ?" She put her shoes on and put her hygiene things in her bag.

"Yeah, i'll pack a bag cus I know ain coming back home today."

She quickly texted the groupchat to make sure everybody was fine.

Mentally Unstabled Bubble Guppies 🤕🤍

Raivyn 💛 y'all str8 ?

Ashante 🙂 yes....... why you ask that ?

D'Nyah ♥️ yeah.. sum happened ??

Xay 🖤 yeah.. what that ?

Raivyn 💛 shit.. gut feeling


"D'Nyah whatchu finna do with this big ass ball ?" Ashante asked her.

"Bounce on it duhh the fuck ? Ouu let's go eat at Applebee's I want a chicken panini." D'Nyah said smiling.

"Penne bitch, Penee. But okay tho. Whatchu think Raivyn was tammat in the groupchat earlier ?"

Before she answered Ashante's question, D'Nyah looked down at her phone and say that se had a text message.

papi escuálido 😬🤍 wya ?

headache 💕🖕🏽omw to apple bees.. what that?

papi escuálido 😬🤍 come home.. gut feeling killing my ass..

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