"Hello wrong number." An almost silent sigh of joy came from from the other side of the line.
"I have a name you know. But I digress how are you?" A stifled laugh came threw. "I'm great. I got some thinking done and I was going to test it."

"What you a mad scientist or something?" I asked, intending to sound like a joke. "I'm an alchemist. So it's a more tame version." The light taps of a pen were barely able to be picked up.

"Well, I know your job so tell me more about yourself. Maybe I could help with your tests." I offered myself up to something I couldn't even do, in person at least. "How about both? As long as you tell me about yourself I'm willing to talk about me." "Deal."

"Alright. My name is Albedo and I'm a alchemist teacher for high schoolers. I'm 20, and I have a baby sister named Klee." He talked so happily about himself, his sister too. "Aww you must love your baby sister."

"I do but she can be a handful. Besides that I want to try something. Go to the window and wait, tell me what you see." I nodded like he'd see me, but I stood next to the window. "Albedo what am I looking at?"

"Wait imma start now." The sound of marker being scratched against something barely came threw. The wall paper started a black line, tracing into a diamond shape. "Albedo...did you draw on the wall?"

"So they haven't changed the paper! I did, I'm hoping it showed up on your wall." I smiled hearing him so overjoyed about it. "It did, it's a bit faded but it's there. I presume the test was a success?"

"Exactly you know what this could mean?" He sounds like a kid in a candy store, practically jumping around. "No? I mean kind of." He started laughing, but it was a warm laugh like from a good family dinner.

"I could give you stuff. But you got to talk about yourself before I do." I rolled my eyes but respected his wish and promise. "Okay okay, my name is (Y/n), I'm 22. I work on games, mostly visuals."

Movement was heard from across the line but it seemed meaningless. "Games you say? Like what?" I blinked smacking myself mentally. "I forgot you probity wouldn't know. Video games are electronic ones. I do drawing of people or backgrounds."

"I swear don't look me up. That would be embarrassing if I did some crazy thing." It sounded like he slowly got the concept. "I promise I won't even if temptation wants me too." The silent smile on Albedo's face could almost be heard. "Thank you (Y/n)."

"You're welcome Albedo."

I felt like the few hours spent talking were only minutes.

"We should head to sleep, its important. I also want to try something tomorrow. Although I would call you a bit later than I have for the last 3 times." The evident smile rang threw his voice, making it sound delectable. "If you say so, I don't really want to." The sigh of agreement was short but there. "I know I know, but you won't get to help if you don't sleep." his tone went from strict to almost flirtatious in a way. "Okay okay, I'll sleep."

"Thank you, I'm going to leave you a surprise in the morning before our next talk."

-the next day-

3d POV 1970

Albedo walked threw his home town, glancing at the shops. The smell of mulch, mostly new and watered, filled the air as he kept walking. It caught his attention quickly, so he went to it. "Hello, welcome to my flower and herb shop." A girl with pale purple hair said. "Hello." Albedo looked around slightly amazed by how many plants were in the tiny shop. "If you need help with anything just ask."

"Actually I do. You have any uh Cecilia flowers?" Albedo wasn't sure how to make it sound like he wasn't going to give them to someone he loved. He did love (Y/n).

"I got one packet left, not common for buyers so I don't spend my money on it." The girl was small, so she just pulled Albedo along and pointed to a box. "It's in their, the more rare selling seeds. Take it."

"Thank you, what's your name?" Albedo tried pulling a small conversation with the owner while looking threw the box. "Qiqi. The other girl is Diona." Albedo didn't even see the other girl. Her pink hair stood out next to the wood surrounding her. "She's not to fond of flowers so she helps with the herbs."

"That's nice of her." Albedo finally found the packet, in the mess of the bin. "Take it. You don't have to pay." Qiqi said having Albedo be speachless.

Albedo headed home, holding the small packet in his hand. He grabbed a metal box, collecting more stuff to put in it. He ran outside way to exited for his own good. He buried it, the selected items inside. He went back up to his, no (Y/n)'a and Albedo's room, and covered his hand in a green paint. He placed his hand on the wall, smiling at his own hand print.

(Y/n) POV

The phone rang, and I practically ran over to it. "Hello?" Albedo's voice came threw making me smile. "(Y/n)! I have a task for you. I put a box in the corner of the yard can you go get it?"

"Yeah I can." And I did, leaving the phone on the table. I grabbed a shovel and went to dig it up. A girl passed, grabbing a notebook out of her bag. I panicked slightly because she could be writing about me but I didn't stop digging till I hit metal.

I saw a semi-small metal box, my name engraved on its top. I brought it inside, not caring about the big hole in the back. "Albedo Albedo I got it!" I spoke, more yelled into my room. Grabbing the phone just to hear him. "Perfect go ahead and open it, I'm shocked it was still there."

"Me too honestly, but I don't want to think of it that much." The box show difficult to open, rust holding it closed. "I hope you saw the gift I left." I laughed. "You mean the random dark green hand print? I saw." I finally got the box open seeing a few odd collected items.

"I got the box open. I see honestly a mess of a collection." His laugh made me smile. "Yes yes I know my collection was a mess but I wanted to give you stuff."

"Fair enough. Imma start going threw things." The box had a small container, the same green color that was placed on the wall, just a lot brighter. It also had a very expired piece of candy, the label unreadable. "(Y/n) I have to go. Enjoy the last two items their taped to the lid." The line went dead, the lonely ringing played. Putting the phone back I looked at the lid seeing a photo and seed packet.

For you wrong number

A Polaroid photo of Albedo and it looked to be taken by someone else since both his hands were busy holding his sister, what to assume. The packet held Cecilia seeds. I smiled, laughing a tiny bit. Taking the paint I put some on my hand, holding the paint covered one on the wall.


BESTIES 1897 words

I swear I didn't mean to write this much TT

I'm sorry if I hurt you reading this-

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