We are so quiet and I would start talking to her but I don't think we have anything in common.

Compared with the stupid, misogynistic stereotype of the beautiful, popular, mean, but stupid high school girl, Olympia was, and probably still is, extremely intelligent.

She used to excel in math, physic, and chemistry. I am kind of an artistic person, so I am more drawn to literature, arts, and music, so we never had the same interests to give us a start point for a conversation.

Plus, she was my bully.

Adelia is still not here and I have to endure this awkward moment which has been going on for twenty minutes, which is not a little. Olympia only talked a few words to me and I am pretty sure she isn’t very happy that I came along on their girl's day, or whatever they want to call it.

It is so weird being here alone with her. I think the only time there was only the two of us was when we met again after so many years. At that moment she was eager to be my friend but I think that after a few months of connecting again, she lost her enthusiasm.

"I'm here. I'm here. I'm sorry I'm so late." Adelia suddenly appears, a big smile on her face and her hair very messy.

"Took you long enough."

"Don't worry about it."

I and Olympia answer at the same time, and she goes to hug Adelia after she gives me a cold gape. Besties.

We walk through all of the stores, eventually buying something while I have to endure Olympia's bitch comments and backhanded compliments, which I don't know-how, go unnoticed by Adelia.

I just love how you embrace your imperfections.

You actually bought something pretty. How cute.

Your confidence is what makes you look good.

I just wanted to bang my head against a wall multiple times.

At least now she is keeping her mouth shut. She has some type of mask on her face that doesn't allow her to talk and this is probably my blessing for the day.

I am sitting on a chair inside this beauty salon, and I have decided that I will probably go only with a haircut. I don't know if-

"Eloise, is that you?" I turn my head and see a person I really wish would pretend that I am not here.

Fucking Melania.


"Um, hi." Please shut your mouth for once in your life and don't mention Michael or any expensive party.

"How are you, darling. How is M-" I jump off my seat, noticing Olympia who has her eyes fixated on me, and pull this annoying woman in a corner, where not so many people can see us.

"What's with this rush?" she looks back and I scrunch my face, trying to find a way to get rid of her.

"How are you?" I fake a smile so she thinks that I actually care about how her life is going.

"Well, I just-"

"That's great. I took you here because I didn't want anyone to hear this, but I saw that bag you told me you wanted, that new one, and I'm pretty sure you may be interested in it. I'm glad we finally met. It is pretty wanted, isn't it?" I have no idea what the fuck I am talking about. I vaguely remember her rambling about some new designer purse she really wanted but it was sold out and she was on the verge of crying.

Fucking crying.

The bag is probably not even here, I don't know, but this will keep her occupied.

"No. Way." Her eyes widen and she takes a few steps back with her mouth open "I need to buy it."

She tells me goodbye and walks to the store where the coveted bag is, according to my lie.

I shouldn't be proud of this, it's my biggest flaw, but how all of those lies come so easy out of my mouth has been an advantage a lot of times.

I practically live two lives.

There is Eloise Wilson. A really sad wife who got hit by her husband and has no desire to live, but in the eyes of other people, she is a slut only because I am a lot younger than them.

Stupid rich people who share the opinions no one asked for.

Anyway, there's also Nadine Merrivale. Theoretically, she doesn't really exist anymore, but that's who I am around Adelia, Olympia, Harry...

Lying to Harry is the hardest out of all of them. He is such a beautiful, kind, caring person who always finds ways to make me happy, and here I am lying to his face since the day we met.

It's not like I could just go to him and tell him how I am married to a rich man and it's all my abusive dad's fault.

Harry is such a good human, but he's so naive.

I've never taken him to my place, I don't have a job and technically I am rich.

For each of them, I found some kind of excuse but he never got suspicious and somehow it makes me feel even worse.

I never took him to my house because there are employees and his is more cozy and welcoming.

He believed this.

A job. Haven't had one in years. I have money, which apparently is never-ending, from my father, and more which comes from the different businesses I have invested in.

He believed this one too.

He believed every lying word I told him and it honestly breaks my heart.

"Nadine, aren't you coming back?" Adelia who just got a new haircut comes and asks me, and I just realize that I have been staring at nothing in particular for several minutes.

"Yeah, yeah, let's go."

Author's Note:
I hoped you liked this chapter! It took me so long to find motivation for writing it, and on New Year's Eve, it finally came.

P.S. While I was writing this chapter, all I could think about were Nadine and Olympia kissing. What the hell is wrong with me?

P.S.S The next chapter is a very important one.

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