Chapter 1: At the start

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Perhaps everything started when Zero took the strength and power that was supposed to be for his younger twin brother, Ichiru. The result of that was Ichiru getting sick frequently, having to stay home and spend most of his life in a confined room. Doing the same old patterns or chores as always.

The only one who gave him a bit of life is in fact, Zero.

The very one who took his strength away.

Bond between those twins were strong, it was like they were each other's other half to their soul. No, that should be rephrased. They're each other's half. Not even a lover can take that spot. They just had been through so much, starting right at conception, that their souls ended up intertwined with one another as the comfort level increased rapidly. If this was supposed to be like then why?

Why and how did they end up the way they are?

All of that can be answered along with other things as well, but first, we have to travel back to the age of one. And start from there. That age was the start of everything. Of the love between two damned brothers.

Zero and Ichiru Kiryu.
In the large, long, white marble mansion house....the Kiryu estate, lived a couple who just so happened to be vampire hunters. They possessed this set, so to speak, of abilities and this..power, that makes it hard for them to have children, let alone, twins. But when the news broke out that they were expecting two babies, everyone within the association and family were beyond excited and in awe. This has never been done before. Usually, when it comes to kids, most would be adopted or born in two ways. Either by IVF, if the miracle even works on certain people, or through a surrogate.

Nine months later, twins boys were born into the Kiryu family, their names were Ichiru and Zero. Right from the moment they popped out of their mother, did the parents noticed a few things. For most babies, their first set of cries would be ceased once they're either in the arms of or presence of either parent. Which in most cases, is the mother. But for these particular babies, when close with one another, did the crying ceased completely. The parents helped, of course, but they weren't the solution. The twins were.

This would be be case most of the time for many years.

At age one was when they revealed just how close they were to each other. One day, Ichiru was having his coughing fits again, whining in disappointment that he had to stop playing with Zero on the mat. The older twin noticed the distress on the other's face and whimpered a bit. Trotting over time his brother on wobbly legs, in order to sit down and hug him close. When their mother came in with medicine for Ichiru, she saw them and gasped. Calling out for her husband.

"Honey, come here and see this! You know won't believe of what they're doing!" She yelled out, eyes darting between the twins and a young man with silver hair, pale skin and purple eyes, coming down the steps. The exact replicas that the twins inherited physically when it comes to looks alone.

Their dad made it down the stairs and looked to where his wife pointed. Once his eyes spotted the twins, a warm smile was plastered on his face. Unlike the mom, the dad seemed to find this adorable. He walked over to the babies and picked them both up, settling them on each of his hips. All three pairs of purple eyes looked at the woman, who was now frowning deeply.

Their dad was confused, "What seems to be the problem? I found it adorable. Ichiru must've been coughing and Zero came to comfort him." His wife growled and shook her head before hissing out, "No! Zero has all the capabilities to be a hunter! Ichiru will just slow him down! What if his coughs landed on Zero and he gets sick?" A quiet whimper was heard and everyone looked at the source, Ichiru. The baby's lower lip stuck out a bit and wobbled before a long wail was let out. The dad was quick to comfort the sobbing Ichiru while the mom groaned in annoyance. But not for long, since her eyes noticed Zero sending a dark glare at her, lips curled into a menacing snarl. It's obvious that the lady pissed him off.

Ichiru was always looked down upon and 'recognized' as the sickly Kiryu child.

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