Oneshot 3: cheater

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It was you and Bakugo 1 year anniversary and you were going to surprise him with a new grenade that has more power for his hero costume but you notice how you both were getting distant well mainly him because every time you go up and hug him he will move away quickly or completely ignore you but you knew you weren't clingy though so you just shrugged it off. (10 minutes later) you arrived at Bakugo's house and his mom let you in with a sad and mad expression "are you ok?" "U-umm  I'm really sorry I told him he was wrong" "huh" "My bitch ass son is cheating on you" she said with tears in her eyes "w-what n-no" you said as you tiptoe to his room but what you saw made you wanna throw up you saw your boyfriend well now ex with a naked whore on top of him "well it was true" he quickly look up to see his beautiful/handsome girlfriend/boyfriend standing at the doorway "no no it's not what it looks like" "so I'm not seeing my boyfriend with a hoe on top of him" "HEY I'm not a hoe" you quickly glared at her that made her shut up "b-baby please"he said as he held out his hand to grab you "yea no don't touch m-me idk where your hand been touching on that thing" you said as walking away "WAIT" you kept walking till made it to the door (oops I forgot to say he put on clothes lmao) "I SAID WAIT DAMN IT" "WHAT DO YOU  WANT" "LET ME TALK" "WELL YOU GO 5 MINUTES TO EXPLAIN WHY YOU CHEATED ON OUR 1 YEAR" "I WAS DRUNK AND I JUST WANTED CUDDLES AND—" "nope that's it I'm done with the lame ass excuse goodbye Katsuki" he never heard you say his name so cold with not emotion"N-NO D-DONT LEAVE M-ME Y-Y/N PLEASE DONT" as he said that he fell to his knees and hugged on your leg with tears in his eyes "well you should have thought of that before you cheated oh and here's your gift" you threw his gift on the floor and walked away trying not to cry again. He watched as you walked away until his mom came up to him and slapped him on the head "WTF YOUR NOTHING BUT A COWARD KASTSUKI YOU LOST A AMAZING GIRL/BOY FOR A WHORE YOU FOUND I HATE TO SAY THAT HIM YOUR MOTHER" "I KNOW YOU OLD HAG NOW GET THE FUCK OUT MY FACE" after he said that he picked up the box and ran to his room and slammed the door, he slowly open the box that was perfectly wrapped with a card on the side that said "Happy 1 Year I know that we are kinda distant right now but i love you so much thank you for everything you did for me
~ Y/N
After he read the card a tear slipped out but when he seen what was inside the box was  a grenade with more gun and water to make his quirk more powerful, he carefully set the box down on the floor and lad on the bed to cry this happen everyday for weeks till he was basically numb know he was wrong  (3 months later) in class he was extremely quiet, never looked at anyone, never smiled, he doesn't even bully deku anymore and everyone started to notice something even you but you didn't say anything Bakugo was getting tired of not being able to talk to you if he could at least become your friend he would be happy, so he finally built up the courage to talk to you after class (20 minutes later) Mr. Aizawa dismisses the class, you get up only to be pulled outside where no one can see you or hear you scream but you were pulled into a hug you first thought was to fight until you smelled scent of burnt caramel instantly you knew who it was so  you slowly wrapped your arm around him and hugged backed, after a couple of seconds you pulled back "um you ok?" He had tears on his eye honestly you kinda did know what was wrong but wanted to be sure, "n-no I know you don't want to see me right now or never but I'm a mess without you even though it's been 3 months and I know it's my fault but I really can't function without I don't eat, sleep or do anything but cry every night wishing I didn't hurt you, oh and I really loved you gift by the way" "y-you opened it I though i took it back" "of c-course I opened it it was from you but if you want it back I can g-g-giv—" "no no it's fine" you quickly cut him off because you could see that hurt in his eye and it broke your heart, "I still l-love you Y/N but you might not but-t can we a-at l-least be f-friends it's o-ok if you don't want t-" you cut him off with a quick kiss on the lips a blush slowly appeared on his face "can we take it slow?" "WAIT you f-forgive me" "yes but if you mess it up again there will be no 3rd chance" "ok ok I understand" "I love you" you were kinda scared to say it back but you did "I love y-you too" After you said that a weight was lifted of his chest and a big smile appeared "ok ok come on Katsu" "oh back to the old nickname now?" "Yay" he mumbled all you could do was laugh

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