Forcing my mind to temporarily shut down, I took a deep breath and told him the first thing that came to mind.

"Okay." I know, I know. Lame as fuck. To cover it up though, I gave him my best "please-ignore-how-lame-I-just-sounded-and-focus-on-something-else-like-this-ridiculous-smile" smile.

The smile he returned burned 5000 watts. "Okay. We'll meet here at 9:00. Is that alright?"


"See you then." With one last smile, he walked away, leaving me in a puddle of my own emotions.

I was too absorbed in my own thoughts that I hadn't even noticed Jas and Soph walking up to me.

"Seth Clifford? Really?" were the first words that left the dark haired boy's mouth upon arrival. "He's the billboard sign for Douchebags!"

I punched his shoulder. "Shut up."

"What was he doing here anyways? Doesn't he have some blonde to fuck or something?" Sophia grimaced.

"Soph, you're a blonde." I pointed out.

"Yeah, but I've got a head. A head that isn't filled with makeup and other useless shit."

I decided to answer her previous question. "I think he just asked me out." I tried to keep my face from growing hot at the mention of Seth's name, but of course, my own face betrayed me.

"Are you blushing?"Jaspar poked my cheek and I swatted his hand away from me. "You are! Aww, does little Crystal have a crush on the biggest manwhore of life?"

I punched him again, mumbling a "shut up" as he laughed and continued to tease me about Seth.

"He's not a manwhore!" I meekly defended him.

"Yeah," Sophia rolled her eyes. "And I'm a prostitute."

"Okay, okay. So he slept around a bit. How does any of that concern me?" I shut my locker after grabbing my lunch.

"It doesn't." Soph hesitated a bit. "Unless he were to have sex with someone else while still "dating" you." she made air quotes.

"In which case," Jas took it from there. "I'll kick his ass."

I smiled appreciatively at him. He tried not to notice, but his eyes told me otherwise. Instead, he messed up my hair.

We sat down at our usual table in the cafeteria, slightly away from everyone else.

"So what does the manwho- I mean Seth," Jas quickly corrected himself after earning himself a glare from me. "What does he plan on doing for your so-called "date.""

Sophia opened up her sandwich and took a bite. "Yeah man, I want details!"

I stared down at my own lunch, refusing to look at my two friends. "He plans on skipping school on Friday. Says we can go to the park or something." I shrugged. There was a silence, a silence that felt like hours instead of seconds. I looked up to see the two of them staring at me as if I'd grown a second head. "What?"

"You're going to skip?" Sophia started.

"Yeah?" Was it that hard to understand?

"But Crystal, you're a goody two-shoes."

"Am not!" I protested, though I knew it was somewhat true.

"Man, this dude's got you whipped." Jaspar shook his head in disappointment.

"Shut up, Jas." I muttered, crossing my arms. "And so what if I skip school one time? It's not like I've never gotten into trouble before."

"Whatever, Crys. Do what you want. I'm just saying that I don't trust him."

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