Chapter 7: Only The Good Die Young

Start from the beginning

"Think about it this way" replied Kat. "It could be much worse. They could have already attacked us."

"Okay, how are we going to handle this once we get to Lu's house?" Asked Christian as him and Jake were currently driving back to meet everyone else. "I want everyone focused on the plan to eventually attack Lucas and not us having sex."

"How do you know they'll even know?" Wondered Jake.

"Oh trust me, they'll know" responded Christian.

"Why do you even care if they know?" Said Jake.

"I don't, believe me I don't" replied Christian. "I'd just prefer it if people weren't annoying about it because they definitely will be."

"How about we just don't bring it up and then they probably won't" said Jake.

"Alright, I guess that might work" replied Christian.

"Great" smiled Jake, happy that they'd figured it out. Jake's phone then started to ring and after looking at the screen, saw that it was his dad. Jake instantly pulled the car over at the side of the road and answered it. "Hey dad, what's up?"

"We need help" shouted Paul, sounding extremely panicked and out of breathe. "Can you help us?"

"Dad what's happening?" Asked Jake, the volume of his voice raising.

"I'm still at the hospital with Christie and Claudia and the other two but there are people that keep coming in trying to take people" answered Paul. "They're vampires because I've somehow managed to kill a couple of them. Well, at least I think they're dead."

"Well I don't really know how I can help you from back in Little Hope" said Jake, starting to sound as panicked as his dad.

"What's he been doing?" Whispered Christian since the phone was on speaker.

"I don't know" said Jake, trying his best to concentrate on the road, his dad and now Christian. "Dad what have you been doing to them?"

"Is someone there with you?" Wondered Paul, noticing that Jake wasn't speaking to him for the first part of that sentence.

"Erm yeah" responded Jake before Christian had a chance to make him say he was alone. "It's my Christian. He's a friend, sort of."

"Are you the one that saved me at the bombing?" Asked Paul.

"Yes sir I am" answered Christian.

"Sir" mouthed Jake, smirking.

"What have you been doing to the vampires that have come in?" Asked Christian, shrugging as a reply to Jake.

"Well if I've been close enough I've shot them in the head" answered Paul. "That made their heads explode and then the rest of them exploded as well."

"Alright, that's means they're dead so you don't have to worry about those ones anymore" said Christian. "Listen to me because I'm going to tell you how to protect yourself."

"Alright, go ahead" replied Paul, sounding calming.

"Okay, try and save your bullets as much as possible unless it's absolutely necessary that you use them" said Christian. "Vampires also aren't the biggest fans of silver so anything made out of or that has silver on it will work as a weapon. You can also break down things made of wood to make stakes. When given the chance, you'll want to stab the stake or the silver through the vampire's heart and that should kill them. Also, as much as it might seem like it'd work, making a crucifix out of something won't do anything to a vampire."

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