Chapter 5: That's Life

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Lu and Jade watched as the last few people were removed from their containers and thrown somewhere else in the room. The kidnappers then started to lift the containers and walk away with them. Probably to take them back the the boat they had arrived on so that more people could be captured and transported. Lu couldn't help but notice a difference between the hostages and the kidnappers.

"Why do they smell different?" She asked, gesturing towards the kidnappers.

"They're vampires. The hostages are all human" answered Jade.

"So what is this? Some kind of vampire human smuggling ring?" Wondered Lu.

"I have no idea but how about we leave before one of them decides to tell us" responded Jade, making Lu look towards one of the kidnappers who was currently looking right back at them.

"Yeah you're right, we can talk on the move" said Lu whilst Jade and herself stood up. They were about to walk away from the railing until Lu saw some people she recognised. She made Jade wait whilst she made sure they were really the people she thought they were. Lu's extra clear vision came in handy whilst looking because the 2 people were scrunched up together in the shadows. "Oh my god. It's Bobby and Sarah."

"Who?" Asked Jade, getting annoyed that they weren't moving.

"Christie's kids. The twins" answered Lu, trying to help Jade remember.

"Who the fuck is Christie?" Said Jade.

"She was one of the women in the Coven" replied Lu.

"You really think I bothered to learn any of their names" said Jade, making Lu frown. "Can we go now?"

"What about them? We can't just leave them here" said Lu.

"We can't do anything to help them right now. We can leave and come back with help. If we tried to do this alone then we'd die" replied Jade.

"Alright fine" said Lu, thinking about the situation. "We'll come back for them."

Jade and Lu started to make their way back through all the corridors they had come down and out the door they had entered. Just as they were closing the door behind them, they heard some people shout in alarm. Lu and Jade had officially been spotted and whoever had seen them had called for backup. Lu was about to start running for the stairs they had come up when Jade stopped her. They stood on either side of the door and when the woman that had seen them ran through it, Jade grabbed her by the shirt and threw her. She couldn't stop herself in midair so Lu just watched as the woman went over the edge of the railing and fell all the way into the water, engulfed by the brutal waves.

Jade and Lu then then started to run, using their speed to make it down the stairs faster. They bumped into a few other vampires on the way down but Jade took care of them easily enough. She could tell they were new vampires. Not new enough to be more powerful then her though. Jade, just like she had before, threw the vampires off the oil rig and watched as they disappeared below the water's surface. Finally Lu and Jade made it to the bottom of the stairs and were walking across the small platform to their boat. Just in time as well because they could hear more people hurrying down the stairs after them. As Lu climbed into the boat and got the engine started, Jade went over to the kidnapper's boat and pulled the steering wheel off. She then threw that into the water as well just so they could be followed back to the town. Jade then sped into the boat with Lu and they were off. The boat sped away from the oil rig and Jade and Lu watched as the vampires reached the platform and got angry that they couldn't pursue. They watched as, unbeknownst to them, the last stage of Lucas' plan disappeared out of view.

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The next day Mary, Jake and everyone else were heading back to where they had met the BVC. Obviously Mary and Jake hadn't been there before so they were a little nervous. Max didn't want Mary and Jake to come just in case one of the Council members too a fancy to either of them. If that happened there wouldn't be anything anyone could do. They arrived at the building and walked inside. At first Mary and Jake were a little confused because there was nothing there but once everyone else started to walk over to where the lift was, they understood that they should just follow behind. They all entered the lift and started to descend. Soon the lift door opened and they were back were they had been not that long ago, in the reception area. However, there was something different. Cecilia wasn't sat behind her desk and some of the furniture was out of place. There were also small traces of blood splattered around the room. Not enough that someone would have died but enough to make people think that something happened.

The Immortals - Book 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora