Chapter 6: Silver

Start from the beginning

"So?" He asked, smiling. "Did everything go to plan?"

"No exactly" answered Kat, sitting on the corner of the desk, facing Lucas.

"What happened?" Wondered Lucas, not sounding angry but not sounding happy either.

"There's quite a few more of them then we had originally thought" responded Kat.

"Oh really" said Lucas, raising an eyebrow and thinking.

"Yes. There is Nate's Progeny who was also at the Council base, a couple humans one of which has a crossbow, and apparently one of Christian's Progenies now has their own Progeny" replied Kat. "I wouldn't worry though, she's old enough now that she's lost the extra strength that comes with being turned."

"I have a niece" said Lucas calmly.

"I guess so" replied Kat. "And I have a cousin, who cares? The point is they got away and we don't know where they went."

"That is a bit annoying" said Lucas, still speaking calmly.

"Also the other human that was there, the one without the crossbow, she seems to have the powers of a guardian" replied Kat. "But I don't think she's the full thing."

"Either way that isn't very good" said Lucas, his tone changing so that he did sound a bit angry now. In fact, the more he spoke the angrier he started to sound. He stood up from his chair and leaned over Kat whilst continueing to speak. "I will not have my plans ruined by a couple of humans and their gang of vampire sidekicks. Especially not Christian, he held me back for far too long and I won't let him do it again. Do you understand me?"

"Completely" said Kat, feeling more aroused then scared.

"I will leave dealing with them up to you" said Lucas. "Do you think you can handle that?"

"Absolutely" replied Kat, biting her lip and looking up at Lucas.

Lucas was Kat's Master and he could make her do whatever he wanted if he pleased. Lucas knew that Kat was a manipulative person, he knew this before he even turned her into a vampire. However, Lucas didn't have to be manipulated by Kat to do what she wanted him to do. Within seconds of them ending their conversation, both of them had stripped each other of the other's clothing. Lucas had Kat laying on her back on the desk whilst he was thrusting into her furiously. His pace was relentless and the two of them were at it for over 2 hours. Moving about the room and switching positions.

The next day, after everyone attempted to get some sleep but struggled because they didn't know if Kat was going to attack at any given moment, most people were roaming around Lu's house. A lot of them ended up in the kitchen once they had finished exploring and were now eating breakfast. Well, the few of them that could actually eat breakfast anyway. Ben had said that he was going to open the restaurant for the morning and was now no longer in the house. Lu's step mum had also left at this point so now it was only the main group left. They were all lounging around when suddenly Jade walked into the kitchen holding a small picture.

"Hey everyone" she shouted, sounding emotionless but excited at the same time. "Look at this picture of Lu from when she was a baby. Isn't she just the ugliest thing you've ever seen?"

"Jade is this really the time?" Responded Christian before looking at the picture. "Jesus christ what happened to you?"

"Fuck you, all babies are a bit ugly at first" shouted Lu, pissed off.

"Yeah but not all of them look like they were dropped a whole bunch of times" added Nate, joining in on the fun.

"And I thought you were ugly now" said Marge, smiling just to annoy Lu even more.

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