She breathed heavily and started saying. "Call Aiko and your daddy NOW!" she started screaming and she squeezed my arm harder. "FUCK MY WATER JUST BROKE! GET THEM IN HERE NOW!" She let me go and I went and called dad in and Dr Aiko as well.

Some nurses came in with Dr Aiko as well, I got Ella out of there while she was still wearing her headphones and didn't know what was going on, which I explained to her later after that.

Mom was having the triplets and all I could hear is Dr Aiko telling her to push and mom grunting in pain.

Aurora's POV

Uncle Toni and I were getting along pretty well and we had a lot in common, especially what surprises me that he used to play the piano and sing too. Shouldn't have been a surprise for me as he and dad were living in the same house for years, which made we wonder......

"Uncle Toni, Is it true that dad was adopted too?"i bluntly said

Uncle Toni was drinking a bottle of water and almost spit out when he heard what I asked. "Well." he cleared his throat before he spoke again. "Let me think, your abuela was the one that spilled that secret?"

"Yeah....." I said, grinning widely at him.

"It's true, your dad is adopted into the Rossi family but it doesn't matter to me as he is still my brother." I just nodded at him. "You want to know how he was adopted?"

"Yeah!" I exclaimed.

"Well, when I was a little boy, my mother, your abuela, would take me to this public playground and I would play there every chance I got. One day, when i went to that playground, i saw this boy who was alone and was stuck at the monkey bars and was about to fall but i ran to him and held his legs."

"That was dad, wasn't it?"

"Yes, it was and after that we became really close friends and your abuela saw us like brothers playing together. I thought we could see each other every day or even every weekend but one day something happened, your dad one time looked so sad that he didn't even want to play. That was when i found out that he was a foster kid and that his 'parents' were getting arrested today because they did a 'bad thing'."

"At that point, Your nonno, my father was the one that took me to the playground and noticed that something is wrong, your Aunt Sofia was there too. Your dad went and told everything that happened to him and it was horrifying, your dad didn't live a great life. He was tossed from family to family due to situations. He wasn't the lucky ones who got foster parents that were kind and would take care of him. He was very unlucky."

"What do you mean? What did his foster parents do to him?"

"Well,when we took him back to where he used to live, we saw police cars at his block and a man and woman were handcuffed. Some children were taken out of the house as well, so there was a woman that saw your dad and went running towards him telling him that she is glad that he was safe. She was part of the child protective services and she told him that he had to go back to the orphanage as there weren't any available foster parents to take him. I saw your dad's face and he was relieved to go back there instead of going to a random stranger's house."

"And sorry for not answering your questions but the truth of what your dad's foster parents did was really bad. Turns out that the Foster mom would hit the kids when she was drunk, including your dad and his foster dad....." he paused for a while. "Raped some of the girls that they were taking care of, which was girls under 18 and we also found out that he raped the girls as young as 13"

My eyes widened and I couldn't believe it, you heard stories about it but it would still be difficult to hear.

"Yup, and hearing that and knowing what it means from your Aunt Sofia and from Nonno, I didn't want him placed anywhere. So after we gave your dad to the woman and she sent him back to the orphanage, I pleaded with Nonno and Abuela to adopt your dad but they were not sure. Your Aunt Sofia saw how desperate i was and begged our parents as well which later on got Abuela asking what happened to the boy which Nonno told her and she was so shocked and horrified that she told your Nonno to find that boy and adopt him immediately."

Aurora of the Phoenix (Book 1) (Under heavy construction)Where stories live. Discover now