Chapter 21 - The Connection

Start from the beginning

"Why does that not surprise me. You think he'd be happy with me and him?" That was something she hated about the whole thing, not the normalness of bringing him home to meet her parents, or anyone for that matter.

"Oh 100%! He used to say Reggie would the kinda guy you wouldn't mind your daughter bringing home so." They both laughed. She smiled to herself at least having the knowledge he'd approve.

"And my mum? Did you...know her?" She wished more than anything she could tell her about everything. Her mum used to be so open minded, she thought she'd even believe her about the boys.

"Oh your mum was beautiful! You get that from her, she was also so warm and nice but I'm sure you know that. She always talked about boys with me so I didn't feel left out with the guys talking about girls." A tear fell down his face this time thinking about Molly.

"Thank you, I know it must be hard for you guys, I've had 2 year to come to terms with everything but you guys just found out you lost your friends too."

She hesitated for a minute going to put a hand on his knee. After last night and opening up to Reggie she felt she owed it to the other boys to tell them what had happened too, if anything just to show them how much they'd helped her.

"Alex can I tell you something, something I told Reggie last night but I feel like I should tell you guys too, you guys are kinda like my family now and I want you to know how you've helped me."

"Of course Livie you can tell me anything." He said looking her with a concerned expression.

And so she told him the story she'd told Reggie the night before.

The look on Alex's face broke her. She knew they'd grown so close and he really was a brother to her. She couldn't standing the pain on his face.

"But Alex it's ok, I promise. You guys have brought so much to my life I."

He cut her off throwing his arms around her pulling her in for a hug, not thinking about the fact she'd go right thought him.

But she didn't, she sat there with a huge smile on her face tears falling from her eyes at the realisation she could hug her best friend.

He didn't realise for a minute until she wrapped her arms round him too.

"Wait." His eyes went wide as he went to move out of her grip before she stopped him.

"No, Alex just." She squeezed him a bit tighter just to make sure he was really there. "I want to make sure I make the most of this just incase." Both their faces falling into a content smile. He wished he'd had her in the dark room with him for 25 year just for the hugs.

"Livie." He put his hands on her shoulders pulling out of the hug so he could look at her. "I think I've worked it out, come on get ready and meet me at the studio." He got up as if he was about to poof out but stopped. "I love you Livie."

"I love you too Alex."

"So what have you worked out Alex, I do need to work with Luke on this song." She sat there next to Reggie on the couch head resting on his shoulder, playing with her hands from stress. The rest of the group sat around looking at Alex who was stood in front of the coffee table.

"So I'm guessing the first time you could touch Reggie was when you told him something personal, like opened up to him." He looked between the two of them, she sat up so she could look at Reggie.

They looked at each other before looking back at Alex nodding.

"Do I need to be here for this?" Luke said sat on the floor, the poor lad looked bored. "It's bad enough I'm the only one who can't give Liv a hug." Julie ruffled his hair feeling bad for him. He looked up at her locking eyes for a minute before they both quickly looked away.

"I'm getting to that." Alex said. "And I'm also guessing that since you kissed you can touch all the time?"

"Yes, but Alex she didn't kiss you." Reggie said making her laugh and Luke groan.

"No but you told me something I'm guessing you don't tell many people, something I'm guessing you haven't told dear Luke here." Luke turned around to look at her, she felt bad, she'd wanted to tell him it's just he was the hardest to open up to, even if she did write with him, it was different, a different part of her.

"What if it's about opening up to us, trusting us, it's worth a shot isn't it?"

"Liv I don't want you to tell me just to tell me, whatever it is, I get that I'm not the easiest to talk to. We can just work on the song." He got up a sad look on his face moving over to his guitar.

Her stomach dropped, she didn't realise how much this would hurt him. "Do you mind giving me a minute." She said getting up looking at the group. Reggie and Alex poofing out and Julie gave her a tight hug before leaving the studio.

-------- Author Note - I have just realised I didn't say the Julie already knows about what happened in England with the self harm and suicide attempt. Just wanted to clarify that since I forgot to put it in and I don't want to rewrite it now.

- As always thank you so much for reading really does mean the world to me, please vote and comment let me know what you think, I love you all 🥰

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