20 - Ambitions

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"How dare they. . ." Lucy grumbled, "I mean, it makes sense, but how dare they!"

The two were currently walking out of Acron's northeastern forest area, and Worm faintly smiled. The Frenzied Bunnies that would usually attack them at first sight ignored them entirely. It seemed, if you were sufficiently powerful, lower-leveled 'red' monsters wouldn't aggro onto you without engagement.

"It's alright. I have a quest to turn in, anyway. Don't you have any, as well?" The girl asked. "Let's go there first."

"Ah—" Lucy's eyes widened, snapping her fingers. "The Innkeeper!"

She had forgotten about that particular quest line since she killed the first goblin that came running her way. Then they both entered the dungeon and, well, now they were out and only Worm's words reminded her.

"Oh hey, Eve! How was the dungeon?!" A player yelled, running towards them. "First clear and all, that's sweet!"

"Annoying. . .it was annoying. . ." Lucy muttered instantly.

The digital sky of Eclipse was a nice shade of darkening blue and Lucy swerved her head to see players running the direction the two were walking from, laughter in their steps.

"Oh my gosh, Worm! I read your articles on the classes!" One player said.

". . .umm, hello. . .thank you?" Worm seemed less adept at social interactions, weakly waving. She, too, was somewhat well known, but she was rather annoyed by that fact.

As the girl passed by the group of players, her eyes wavered over them. Lucy thought that was odd, as she had no trouble talking to her, until she figured maybe large crowds were too much for the poor girl?

'She seems so confident when spouting off game mechanics though. . .'

She sighed and looked to distract her.

"Right, the dungeon is open to everyone now," She noted.

"Indeed. Though, some may find themselves dead," Worm said.

Though the dungeon didn't have any level restriction for entering, the group of players scrambling to enter the forest were all level 4 to 5. Forgot the traps within that they would be unaware of, the team of ten level 10 goblins in the 'Tunnel of Grit' would slaughter them.

Then again. It was a two-man dungeon.

"Wait, will the dungeon warn them to go in as a team or will it just let them in one by one?" Lucy asked, stepping past a Frenzied Bunny.

"Hmm. . ." Worm debated, "Hopefully it's the former?"

"You sound unsure. . ."

"Knowing the developers, I can't be certain," The girl chuckled.

She had to agree.

Lucy sighed once more, feet finding the dirt ground of Acron Village. She held her head in her hands and glanced at the sky as they walked. Momentarily, she forgot about the quest and the surroundings.

"Why do you play this game anyway, Worm?" She asked. Curious.

"Hmm?" The girl looked at her. "Mostly to fulfill my hobby of writing about the games I play as I go about studying them. I say 'hobby' but it's technically a job now, I suppose. People seemed to find my writing and liked what I wrote. . .so I kept up. Created my own website, added ads. Pretty much funds me."

"Wow. . .that's pretty respectable," Lucy muttered.

"Is it?" Worm cocked her head. "I'm mostly doing as I like."

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