
I keep my eyes on the ceiling, counting every square and paint spot that is chipped.


My eyes roll into the back of my head before I move my neck down to see a very confused Cassie.

"Are you drunk?"

I hold out the bottle of whiskey that is still cemented to my hand. "Guilty."

"Never thought I would see this day," she giggles. "Come on, let's get you home."

"You don't have to pretend anymore; I'll get my grandma to come pick me up."

"What are you talking about?" She raises her voice over the loud music. "What happened?"

She must have noticed the scratch on my neck from when I tackled Marcus on the coffee table.

And yet I'm the pussy?

"I'm fine." I hiccup, taking another sip of the burning liquid. The taste gets surprisingly better once you get used to it.

"I'll drive us back, where's Anderson?"

I shrug, standing up from the couch. "Telling everyone our secret."

"Okay, what is wrong with you?"

"Me?" I look back at her, who is giving me questionable eyes... eyes that I would hate to upset.

"You went to find Marcus and then—wait... what did he do?"

"The real question is what hasn't he done?"

"All right," She grabs my hand into hers, pulling me toward the front door and we both walk outside to my truck. "Keys?"


"Keys!" she demands.

"What about Anderson?"

She huffs. "Sydney is here, she will bring him home."

"He's staying with me."

"I know that.... what's the problem?"

I lean against my truck crossing my arms. "I don't want to be around him right now."

"Don't be such a baby, get in."

A few seconds later I jump into the passenger seat, stretching the belt across me. Cassie gets in first, adjusting the mirrors and scooting the seat up some. The drive felt like two seconds since I drifted asleep, and Cassie had to wake me up. She brings me inside, tucking her head under my arm, and quickly walks me into my bedroom.

I fall onto my bed, stretching my arms across the cool plush blue covers. The coldness felt amazing against my skin. I don't know if it's because I'm drunk, but I never want to get out of this bed. Cassie laughs once she sees me basically do snow angels in my bed.

"Here," she sets a small trash can beside my bed. "You might need this."

"Thanks," I say, still rubbing my arms against the covers. "How are you going to get home?"

"I can call my parents to come get me."

I check the clock on my nightstand.

"It's one in the morning, just stay over."


"Hey, you said you'd sleep in my bed to make sure I slept okay, didn't you?"

She rolls her eyes. "I need to watch what I say around you."

I chuckle and slide over to make room for her. Suddenly, I feel a lump form in my throat making it hard for me to catch my breath. Reality starts to set in, and I start to second guess myself. Vomit quickly comes up.

My head hangs over my bed before emptying the whiskey into the trash can. "Ugh," I groaned loudly. "This is disgusting."

"Told you, you would need it," she laughs, lying down beside me. "You, okay?"

I grabbed the wet rag she handed me earlier and wiped it across my mouth. "I'm fantastic."

Her giggle fills the room making me laugh instantly with her.

Her laugh is my favorite sound.

"I love your laugh."

The way she scrunches up her nose and covers her mouth in hopes that she's not being too loud. The way she looks at me as she bites her bottom lip. The way I feel when she stares into my eyes, letting me know she has the same feelings I do.

I know she does.
Marcus is wrong.
This isn't fake.
It can't be.

• • •

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