

“You don’t want me to say yes?”

“I do!” I backtrack quickly, not wanting him to say no, “I thought you’d say no.”

“Why would I?”

“Isn’t it supposedly really painful or something?”

“Only if you force someone to do it, if done willingly it feels like a small prick.”

“Oh,” was the only thing I could say, I had gotten it all wrong and in reality I had noting to worry about, even though it did make a ten minute journey a half an hour one instead.

“Here hold my hand,” he says and takes my hand anyway, “I’ll show you the pixie.” As soon as I touched his hand I saw this room, the very one we were sitting in now, with the difference that I was seeing things from Thad’s point of view and before me was a very irritating yet very plain looking pixie. Not to say she wasn’t beautiful, just that it looked like she was deliberately making herself look plain.

She wore ripped jeans and a baggy shirt which probably hid her wings, only the fae could protract and retract their wings, if they had any that is. I was more than a little shocked to see the purple splotches around her eyes, the greeny blue marks littered across her arms and the nasty red gash running along her collarbone to her neck.

She looked gaunt, with her sunken cheeks and almost hollow eyes, she looked like she was more than exhausted and looked in dire need of food. I felt sorry for her almost, you could tell whatever she was doing, it was out of force. One thing was for certain, this was definitely the pixie that I has seen in my dream.

She wasn’t here for very long but in which wing would she be put when she stayed? I let go of Thad’s hand, having my answer and even more questions, this was frustrating, the sooner this mystery was solved, the sooner we can get off this planet.

“Did the pixie stay with you, Thad, in this wing?”

“No, she stayed with the fae, thankfully, otherwise I would have done something I’d regret.”

“Well, thanks for the help Thad.” 

He nods in reply, going back to whatever he was doing before I interrupted. I head towards the fae’s wing, in hope that whatever room the pixie used would still be empty and I could potentially, get some clues or something that will help me figure out this prophecy.

I knew Damon would let me do whatever wanted to do so after finding out he was busy I asked one of his assistants to show me where the pixie stayed. I had been practically everywhere in this wing, but even still wherever this fae was taking me now, I have never been before and was certain I’d get lost on my way back.

It was a maze within a maze and after turning the hundredth corner he opened a door and let me through. He clicks his fingers and the bulb switches on, it was a threadbare room. A small bed in one corner, sheets rumpled an equally small table set in the other corner and a waste bin. I didn’t see any clothes anywhere, even behind the door. No personal belongings of any kind, there wasn’t even any rubbish in the bin. The only sign that this room had been used were the sheets.

The RevoltOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora