Chapter 9 - my emerald

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The weekend seemed close since I wanted to spend ever second with him. It was only Tuesday but every second passes by so fast when I'm with him.

I look across the room and meet his silvery eyes and the corners of my mouth rise. "Mr. Potter, did you hear me?" Mcgonagall calls for probably the millionth time, I shake my head. She sighs and asks someone else what the answer was and I meet his eyes again.

"Ey Mate, I think you're staring" Ron whispers and I ignore him as Draco moved to push a hair out of his face. "hot" I murmured and Ron looks to me before retorting "then shed a layer of your clothes mate, you look like you're ready to go out into a snowstorm anyways."

If only he knew just exactly what was going on.


"Class is dismissed," Mcgonagall started and I arose, "and for you Mr. Potter, please pay more attention or you will fail your exams." I nodded and headed out into the hall where everyone was returning back to their common rooms.

He's like an addiction. I want him so bad but I dont know if either of us are ready. I mean we got drunk and made out together but it just seems like it's all me being desperate. We call each other by our first names when we are alone and he gave me hickeys so maybe he does like me. I've given him a pet name too but I just- I don't even know anymore I'm just confusing myself more. I mean I know he said he was serious about this relationship but he doesn't know if he's gay yet and I'm just so confused.

Well, after a long day, now it's time to relax. I get up and look for a 'sweatshirt' as some muggles call it. Specifically, I was looking for a soft one that is a bit larger than mine usually are so that it hangs low. I head over to Draco's side and I find a deep green one - of course it's green.

I take my shirt and pants off and slip the sweatshirt on and it was so comfy and warm. I keep the hood on and the sleeves were long and the bottom just covered my boxers up.

Hopping in my bed, I realized how intoxicating he smells and it's all over the sweatshirt. Such an intoxicating scent that now I'm feeling a little sleepy.


I head back to the dorm after dinner and when I got to our room I dropped my things and stripped of my clothes. It had been a long day and I was ready for a warm, de-stressing shower.

Pansy wants to have another party and Blaise wants to learn a new Quidditch technique. Dinner was lonely without Harry, I sighed.

I cast a drying charm on my hair and pulled boxers on before freeing up the bathroom. I tossed my clothes in the hamper and grabbed a pillow from my bed so I could cuddle with him.

He was sleeping but I put the pillow down and slid in next to him under the covers. I turned to my side and pulled him close to me. "Draco?" he asked groggily, making me smile. "Yes I'm here, my emerald" I reply as I pull his hood down and kiss his neck. He turns to face me and I intertwine our legs, "want me to get the lights?" I ask the sleepyhead. "Only if you can do it without getting up" he mumbles as I rub his side. "Glasses first" I say before gently removing them. He nuzzles his head into my chest and I reach for the lamp on the nightstand. My hand reaches up his sweater and continues to rub his side, "Goodnight, my emerald" I say before giving him a quick peck on the lips.


"Dragon can I wear this sweatshirt please?" I begs as he insists that I shouldn't because we don't want others to be suspicious. "But it smells just like you and it's so comfy" I whine, dragging out the words.

"I have a solution, my emerald. What if I were to wear one of your sweaters or something after classes that way it smells like me and that way when you go to classes in the morning it can smell like me and nobody should think oddly of it? Does that work?" he attempts to compromise. I hang my head in defeat but agree, "That still doesn't quite answer what we do now" I sigh and hold the sweater close.

He shakes his head but pulls me close, "I can sit by you all day, say we are planning something for our friends and needed help from each other or something. That way you can be close by me all day and you don't have to be sad, okay?" He asks pulling me in for a hug.

"You'd do that for me?!" I cheer up and hug him back excitedly. "Of course, my emerald, I'd do anything to make you happy." he smiles softly.

"I could hug you forever" I mumble into his chest as he plays with my hair.

I really wish he would let me wear his sweatshirt but I can see why he said no. It's just too risky and it makes me sad to think about. No being sad right now, I won't allow it.

"Are you ready to go, my emerald?" he asks and I sigh but release myself from his embrace. "Let me get something else to wear" I sigh but he stops me "You know what, I think you should wear it, you look so good in it. Plus, it matches your eyes." he smiles

My eyes light up and I hug him again, "Thank you dragon, it means so much." I look up to him and slowly rise from my toes to meet his lips. I kiss him slowly, reaching for his hair to pull him closer, he kisses back hungrily. Warm hands slide underneath the sweater and push me into him as he walks towards the bed.

Once his legs feel the sheets, he breaks the kiss for just long enough to sit down and let me climb onto his lap. I reconnect his soft lips to mine and his hands trail up the sweater and slowly explore my chest. One of my hands rested on his shoulder while the other tangled through his hair.

I rested my forehead against his as I caught my breath. His eyes met mine, full of passion, love, lust. His breathing fast, hot on mine. His lips, pink and slightly swollen, moved to capture my neck. Gentle kisses, nibbling, and colors placed all over my neck and collarbone. He kissed over every mark he made before meeting my lips for a quick kiss.

I met his lips once more, gently sinking my teeth into his lip and causing a sound of pleasure from the slytherin. I released my teeth from him and giggled a little. There was a knock at the door but it was no use as they barged in. The door was shut quickly and Ron was heard, "Hermione you can't just go in there! We were going to get Harry together! Let me in!"

"Go to Breakfast Ron, I'll be right there!" she shouted and I soon realized we'd been caught again. Was I going to move though? Of course not, I'm too comfy.

Our foreheads were still together and his eyes were gazing into mine. If my cheeks weren't already flushed they sure are now.

"Guys I don't know what is going on but you need to get ready and come to breakfast." She instructed and Draco took one his hands out from under the sweater and waved her off, "Yeah we will be there in a minute" he instructed before giving me another quick kiss.

"Malfoy! Stop snogging Harry and get up before I tell the whole school!" she snapped. His hands moved to my thighs and I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck, he stood suddenly, making me giggle. "Harry this isn't funny! You're too busy snogging Malfoy and it hadn't even been a week!" She added and I still giggled a little. "Whatever just hurry up and get to breakfast already" she sassed and hurried out the door.

"Well it sounds like we better go to breakfast, my emerald" he sighs and he sets me down lightly. Although I said earlier that I was ready to go I actually wasn't, I wanted to wear a pair of jeans. I went searching through my clothes but Draco jumped in, "I've got the perfect thing for that."

He walks over to his dresser and pulls out a pair of black ripped jeans and I take them from him. "You, dragon, have a blasted sense of fashion" I confessed and quickly put them on.

We made our way down the stairs and out to the Great Hall to begin another day.

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