Chapter 13 - Worry

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"It sounds like Draco had a panic attack" he begins but I space out. My mind is full of questions I can't express because there are just so many, my head would explode if it could.

My throat feels tight as I remember the words Blaise spoke. I wipe my eyes, "uhm did you say anything else?" I ask

"No, after years of knowing Draco, I can usually pick up on when someone zones out like that" he chuckles and I apologize immediately, "Don't worry about it, take your time if you need it."

"No it's okay continue on" I usher and he explains what happened. Apparently I did well at handling the situation, that makes me feel like I didn't suck as a person but it also enlightened me.

An hour passed while we exchanged words and information, "Shit I didn't leave a note for Dray if he woke up, thanks for talking with me Blaise. Before I go do you think I could get a hug or would that be too akward?" I manage as I stand from my chair, about to bolt out the door.

He comes over to where I stand and wraps his arms around me, "I'm glad we got to chat, feel free to stop by if you need anything else."

"Thanks again Blaise" I blurt as I hurry out the door and down the hall to our door. I compose myself and enter the room, he laid where I left him but he seemed sad. I removed the shirt I had put on before to leave and make my way over to him, and taking down the silencing charm.

I lay down and spoon the blonde and he jumps at the contact. "It's okay Dray, I'm right here."

He rolls over to face me, "What happened? What time is it?" his groggy voice asks. "I just left and chatted with some friends about some important stuff, it's just before lunch if you want to go eat." I reply, rubbing my hand up and down his back to comfort him. "You can wear my shirt too if that makes you feel better. But you can't avoid the great hall just because something will be announced, it's important to eat and take care of yourself." I begin, he tries to say something but I continue, "At least take care of yourself for me and your friends, we care about you."

He smiles softly and nods.


Lunch went well, we sat together and I comforted him even if he didn't need it. Currently we are in the Library trying to do homework. Sometimes you just need a change of scenery.

We were sat with our friends, Hermione and Ron next to each other and Draco sat across from me. Blaise and Pansy were looking for books to assist them with a paper or maybe it was to give the couples some space.

I kept trying to start my report for potions but everytime I began it just sounded horrible. If I start a journal from what I experienced from the start then maybe it will help me determine what the Amortentia is really doing to me versus being a lovesick puppy. This sounds like some muggle romance novel that Hermione would read rather than a potions paper.

The Amortentia has awakened feelings in me that I did not feel during my previous relationship. Although Amortentia is a love potion it does not create actual love, according to research. Whether what I feel is real love or not, it has definitely allowed me to experience love differently.

When the potion was brewing it had a minty smell yet it was also fruity. It was strange how those two scents could coexist but when I found out who I was infatuated with, it began to make more sense.

That seems like enough for now. When I look up from the parchment I had began writing on, Draco was looking out the window to his left. I found myself staring and my smile began to grow along with the heat in my cheeks. A tinge of worry rises but it fades as he meets my gaze and tries to hide his smile. Maybe this is real


Worry stirs within me as we sit in the Library. I know what Amortentia does but what if the Amortentia has just masked reality? What if after all this time we are nothing but friends? He treats me so well and he's so cute I can only hope that this is real.

I know just about nothing when it comes to love. Maybe I can ask Pansy some stuff later.

I look across the table and meet his smile and rosy cheeks. I run a hand through my hair and my worry settles slightly.

"Hey guys, if you are done doing whatever you're doing Blaize and I are headed back to the commom room to relax before dinner if you want to join?" Pansy says, breaking the silence.

"I'm in" I reply rising from the table and grabbing the few things I brought. I stand by the two and his eyes follow me every step I take. "You three go on, we've got a few things to talk about here but we'll catch up." Hermione pipes up as Harry watches us leave.

We head to Pansy's room instead with the lack of company and I sit on the end of her bed. Blaise excuses himself to the bathroom and once the door closes I just spill it, "what does love feel like, Pans?"

She sits on Hermione's bed across from me and before she opens her mouth to say anything I cut her off, "how do I know if what I feel is love? I know what parental love is like but will I ever know what romantic love feels like? How do I know if its love or the Amortentia? What if my little relationship isn't really love? What if it is real? Is it-" she interrupts me, "Stop talking right there, Dray. Love is complicated and there is no perfect answer."

As she continues on her words comfort the worry in my stomach. When Blaise joins us Pansy switches the conversation, "Dray, we are worried about you." she begins and Blaise catches on "Yeah, you haven't had a panic attack ever, Dray. Is there anything we can do?"

I smile weakly but shake my head, "I'm okay, something set me off but it's fine. How are your potions papers coming?" I ask switching topics. I have to be strong, there is no time to worry. If I worry I will be weak and if I'm weak then I won't be there to protect Harry or my friends when they need me the most.

Someone wrapped their arm around my waist and I realize I had zoned out again. "Hey you" I say as he sits down next to me. "Everyone just left to go to dinner, do you feel like going?" he asks and I nod. Whatever the announcement is they've got for us I need to suck it up and listen to what they have to say.

We get up and head to dinner hand-in-hand but he stops me before we enter The Great Hall. "Dray, I love you but you are squeezing the life out of my hand. Whatever they are going to say we can face it together." I quickly apologize and compose myself.

We head in and sit down, everything just as it usually is. I hardly touch my plate, scared that I'll puke if I eat. When the hall empties Mcgonagall heads over to the smaller table of eighth years.

"I don't care that you bunch had Firewhiskey in your rooms since most if not all of you are eighteen but please don't let it affect your performance. This is still a school and we want you to succeed in your classes. If you feel that you are constantly turning to Firewhiskey and alchohol then know that you can reach out us if necessary. That's all, you are dismissed"

I let out a sigh of relief. I can't believe I worried over this little moment. It was so not worth panicking over. Time to get back to my regularly scheduled cuddle session.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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