Chapter 5 - The Dorms

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The day came for us to arrive at King Cross Station.

"C'mon Ginny we are going to be late!" Mum shouted from the bottom of the stairs. I waited patiently while a specific red-head dozed off next to me. "Ron if you sleep now you won't be able to sleep on the train!" I scold.

"Have you even met me, you're talking to Ronald Weasley y'know in case you forgot." he remarks and I roll my eyes.

Finally footsteps can be hear coming from down the stairs. She finds her way to us and then we begin to set off. The familiar smell of the old car rushed to my nose as we began packing it. Cramped the car was but off we went to the station we'd gone to years prior, Kings Cross Station. The station was full as it usual was when we've been here but off we went to platform nine and three-quarters.

Through the boundary we went and wished each other goodbyes as we began one of our final descents to the train. Not many eighth years returned, not many were left after the war either. Ginny wandered off with her friends while the remaining three of us went and found our own compartment.

While settling in our compartment the famous slytherins, Draco, Blaise and Pansy, passed. Although it was quite unusual, they didn't stop to say anything or even look our way to sneer at us or even throw a hex our way.

How weird

I wanted to tell Ron and Hermione how weird it was but as soon as I saw they were connected at the lips I decided not. Instead I laid down and looked to the ceiling with my arms crossed across my chest.

This will be a long ride

I close my eyes as the darkness and silence cave in.


"See you Mum" I say as we departed the Manor, keeping her secret well... a secret. She was still dead to the Wizarding World, a surprise that would shock everyone if they found out the truth.

"I love you my Dragon" she replies with a sad smile on her face. "I love you too" I say with a wave.

The train station was loud and full, I almost ran to escape the noise from those Muggles. At once I was met with my friends, swallowed in hugs. It wasn't long before we made it onto the train and had found an empty compartment. Although silence stood between us all, we knew we were thinking the same thing,

This year is going to be something else

The something else was undefined for us all but it will be one hell of a ride to figure out what it is.

We sat through silence figuring we would get to share it all in the dorms but it was a pretty bold assumption they would keep things the same. They added a table for the eighth years and it was pretty small, a reminder of how few of us there was left. We sat down anyways, and shortly Mcgonagall began speaking.

I caught a few things she had said like "dorms and dorm mates picked for you" and "not required dress code for the eighth years" plus some other things but it made me sigh. Internally, at least.

The feast had begun and a few conversations we shared between us now that this new information was brought upon us. "So did you do anything interesting over the summer Pansy?" I asked, looking down to my nearly empty plate that I had yet to touch.

"Went to a few parties, hooked up with some girls, things of that matter." she replies and I look up giving her a face. She jokingly crosses her arms, "if you didn't want to know then you should've asked me something else." I chuckle and Blaise speaks up "hey when I wasn't at your Manor I was doing the same things" he laughs and I just don't know what to say.

Was I jealous? Was I amused? Was I disgusted, determined or content?

"Looks like Drakie-poo is sulking in his loneliness." she says quietly to Blaise in a joking yet serious manner. She whispers in my ear, "It's okay if you havent figured things out yet dear, maybe your roommate can be a good start?"

I sigh, "I'll let you know when I know who it is." I chuckle sadly. I've never felt this kind of need, desire to have someone there. It's really weird and I don't think my head is in the right place, I'm probably just overwhelmed by all the people or something. I go back to picking at my food while the others chat and finish up eating.

Mcgonagall has everyone but the eighth years head out to their common rooms so she can show us ours. They were down by the Slytherin common room and the kitchen, a cold place for more than one reason. A couple of the students made remarks about how cold it was while others said nothing. There was no password, there was just a silly thing you had to do. Something like knock on the third brick from the left five times and then knock on the tenth from the right three times.

Many of the students headed to their rooms to unpack. Although I didn't pack much from the usual clothes and books I was still one of those students unpacking luggage. The doors were yet to be labeled but as soon as a student stepped into one, their name and their images name had appeared on the door.

I choose one and headed straight to unpacking, I didn't care who my roommate was, I just needed to share a room for the rest of the year. Commotion was heard from the outside but instead of checking it I casted Silencio instead.

The room was decorated pretty decently, it had to fair sized beds on opposite ends of the room, bookshelves for us both, a desk and two plush chairs, dressers, and one pretty nicely sized bathroom. I began by picking the bed farthest from the bathroom and unloading my clothes into the dresser on that side as well.

I set aside clothes and my shower necessities as I was unpacking, making it easy to shower when I was done.

"Finally, I'm done." I say contently. I grab my stuff and head off to the bathroom. These bathrooms were fancier than before, something I was used to. I turned on the shower and stripped of my clothes before hopping in.


I walked upstairs and searched for my name, and I just dreaded my decision of coming back here.

Malfoy and Potter

I sighed and entered the room, I immediately heard the shower running and hurried to unpack before Malfoy had finished. I sat on my bed and stared at the ceiling until he was finished so I could go in. When Malfoy came out he had a deep green long sleeved shirt on and... wait a minute... is he in his boxers?? My face became red with embarrassment and I hurried to the bathroom before he could catch sight of me.

I ran the shower and stripped of my clothes before shrieking. The water was scorching hot and I didn't know how to fix it. Malfoy knocked on the door and I hurriedly hopped out and threw my boxers on before opening the door. He entered and fixed the shower without saying a word, I guess the steam gave it away. I felt the water and was so relieved when it wasn't as hot as it was previously.

As I got out of the shower I realized that I hadn't grabbed clothes. "Shit!" I say under my breath before drying off and wrapping the towel around my waist. Malfoy sat on his bed with a book open and still in his boxers, but I hurried to rummage around and find clothes hopefully before he noticed. I hirried back and threw my clothes on quick allowing the bathroom to be free if it needed to be used. I walked out and plopped onto my bed face first hoping that this nightmare would pass but it never did.

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