Brother sister talk

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Kiara went to pick up her older brother even though it was a couple of blocks away from their house. She needed to get away "Kion!" "Oh hi sis we just finished our basketball training now we'll win." "That's...great um I need to talk to you." "Ok?" "Bye uncle Baloo." "Bye lil man see you guys later." She said going back in his house. "So what do you want to talk to me about? Whatever of moms you broke we can replace it before her or dad gets home." She laughed mockingly "Very funny and it has something to do with mom."

"Ok." "Mom's cheating on dad with another guy." He dropped his baseball as they made it to the car it rolled on the passenger side "What? How do you- are you sure?" "Yeah you know me Kion I wouldn't lie about this."

"Oh damn dad's gonna lose it. We have to get them back together like we did when we were little." "Kion their not arguing nor are we 10 or 8 years old anymore I think she might say something about a divorce at grandma and Grandpa's anniversary dinner tonight, she even said something about how they slept together before they got married!"

"Shit!" He said sitting on the curb "Kiara we can't let her do this to dad."
"Um... I think dad know I don't know."
Then Kion's phone rang it was his mom "Hi mom what's up?" He said trying not to cry. "Where are you the party is starting soon and I know how much this basketball game means to you and your sister but please come home. It's not a good imagine to come in creeping in late." 'She's got some nerve!' He thought so did Kiara.

They made it home  in time to change into their party close. "Whatever you say don't say or mention this to anyone not even grandma or grandpa or great uncle Taka got it." She said "Ok Ok lil sis we shall wait." As they walked in just in time to see their grandparents coming out "Happy anniversary mom and dad may you have many more wonderful years together." Said Simba Nala rolled her eyes while looking at her phone Kion peeked seeing a name T-Dog. That name sounded familiar but he couldn't put his finger on it.


As the party Kiara and Kion was over hearing their parents talking well arguing "Who is he?!" "I told you I don't have to answer to you!" They screamed Mufasa saw his grandson and granddaughter listening "Kiara Kion go to your rooms me and your grandmother got this." They shook their heads and left. Sarabi took a deep breath and exhale before walking in the room seeing Nala throwing a vase at her son's head missing him "What the hell is going on here Simba?!" "It's nothing mother I'm handling it." He said trying to calm her down "Your father said that too and I've been changing your diapers til you grew up." He blushed as Mufasa shook his head "Nala I know that you cheated on my son if you know what's good for you, you will leave my sight."

She growled then took her keys leaving. She managed to cut him with the broken vase pieces before the other one. " kids I don't want her to hurt my kids by leaving them." "She won't but she will stay from this family until she's done or she won't see my grandchildren ever again and she will be banished from the Pridelands." Kion heard he cried and went to Kiara's room they got in her car and drove to one place they could think of. "Uncle Timon, Pumba can we stay here until our cheater mom leaves?" Said Kion "Kion!" "Oh damn come in guys. Call Simba Pumba."

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