You Need A Trip

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"Dad, grandpa, grandma we have something!" They turned as Kion and Kiara went to show pictures.

"What's this?" Asked Mufasa "Mom and...and.." Simba gave a stern look "Kion tell me who is that man in the car with your mother?" "It's uncle Tramp." They gasped then anger filled the room "As in the man whore dog?!" Said Sarabi. "Wait what do you mean?" "Tramp was known to flirt and sleep with women so many." Kiara gasped "And he's had STD scares and came back clean but he almost did." "So mom is sleeping with a dirty dog?"

Kiara felt mad at her mom she ran away grabbing her keys and drove to Kovu's house with tears filled in her eyes. "Hi babe what's wrong?"  "I found out who my mom is cheating on my dad with.. it's one of my uncles."

Kovu's jaw dropped as he held her "Don't worry I'll be here every step of the way." She spent the night there and the next day she saw 26 missed calls from her dad and 34 from Kion and grandma. She got up smelling good food "Morning princess." Said Kovu she blushed she got a call from a odd number "Hello?" "Hello this police chief Kurtjac I received a missing persons report is this Kiara Mimba?" "Yes?" "Your father and mother called me and gave me your number." She was shocked her mom? Wasn't she with her lover?  "Thanks I'll come home soon."

After that Kovu dropped her off "Don't worry hon I'll see later tell your brother to call."  "Ok." She walked in on her mom and dad once again arguing "You let my daughter leave this house?!" "She left because she found out who you were fucking and wrecking homes and families!" Said Sarabi "At least he can take care of me unlike you did!" Kiara's anger build and then she exploded "WhAt?! My dad has taken care of you ever since you were teens! Teens! He gave you money, food, married you, have you two children who you seem to not care about nor want because you keep sleeping with our uncle!!" She gasped going to slap her as she use to only for Kion to get Infront of her "Don't you dare touch my sister!"

"I know uncle Tramp is your new lover!" "Exactly and how is he going to take care of you?! By borrowing or asking his girlfriend for the money!?"

Everyone gasped even Kion was shocked. "Yes I know that he has a girlfriend!" She laughed "Don't you mean had? She's nothing but a piggyback and cash app for us and he said that he'll dump her for me so yes I'm dealing with a baller!" " if I can still call you that he's been known as a manwhore in the neighborhood and for using women so your dealing with a dirty dog."
Said Kiara sounding cold.

Nala rolled her eyes "Whatever your old enough to stay here so I don't have to be forced to take you and your brother with me." She said as she took her bags and left, Kiara rolled her eyes also and sighed "Well looks like the divorce is on the way." Said Simba smiling.


"She's fucking who?" Said Timon "Tramp." "Dang bro welp you need a trip." Said Pumba "Where?" "Africa I heard there's a bunch of babes there."

Timon shook his head in agreement  "You can even take the kids and your parents and we can take a moment off from the business." Said Timon and it struck him he can take a family trip and find a hottie. "Boys where going on a trip!" 

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