CHAPTER TWENTY: Neverlands gift

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Wendy POV-

It has been a couple of days that Ari has been out, and there's a little bit of progress as her temperature has gone down and there's colour in her face.

Everyone has been worrying about her, especially 'creepy Felix' surprisingly, however Pan hasn't shown any sign of worry until today!

I grab a cup of cool water and place it on Arabella bed side table before I leave her tent to updated the boys.

I walk up to Pan and 'creepy Felix' first, "still no movement" I whisper causing their heads to drop in disappointment, "I'm sorry... I'm no doctor, I don't know what else to do" I continued in a low voice, they don't say anything! "Shall I tell the others?" I ask, "no" they snap in unison, "better not... they're all miserable" Pan points out as I nod, I then go to sit with Bae.

Felix POV-

I watch Wendy walk off slowly, then I turn to Pan, "you said give her a couple of days... well, it's been a couple of days" I argue, "I know Felix, don't loose hope... it's not the end of the day yet" he soothes and I nod.

Arabella POV-

I slowly open my eyes to see I'm in my tent! I slowly sit up, I have a horrible head ache... I feel so weak, how long have I been out for?

I look over to see a cup of water, I don't know how long it has been sitting there but I drink it all down anyway.

After I drink all the water, I find myself still thirsty. I think of cold, fresh water and then all of a sudden the cup fills up with more water? I can't think of how that happened as I am too busy sculling the water down.

When I finish my what... fifth cup of water, I slowly get up and change my cloths, I then head out of my tent.

As soon as I come out, everyone stopped what they were doing to stare at me wide eyed in shock, some even looked relieved... including Pan, what's going on?

Suddenly I was embraced in a tight hug, "you're ok" came Felix relieved voice, "what happened?" I asked, he pulled back to look me in the eyes, "you got really sick, and you were out for a couple of days" he answered slowly, I nod in understanding and give him a quick kiss before I go to see the others... catch up on what I missed.

"Ari, how are you feeling?" James asked as I approached him and some others including my sister, Bae, Ace and Thomas! "I'm ok, I feel weak but it'll be fine" they nod at my answer. "What happened? You had us all worried, Wendy looked after you everyday and... we thought we were losing you" Bae informed me.

"I don't know what happened... I just felt dizzy and collapsed after Felix handed me a Lillie, but that has nothing to do with it, I may have gotten food poisoning" I blurt out, they all looked at me confused, "ok, well um, we're glad you're alright" Ace said slowly and awkwardly.

"Can I steal Ari for a moment?" Came Pans voice from behind me, "yeah, sure" Thomas mumbled, I walk out of camp with Pam... what does he want?

We stopped at the main waterfall, what are we doing here?

"I think it's time I tell you something" he spoke slowly, I nod for him to continue, "there is a reason you fell unconscious when you touched the Lillie, there is a reason I instructed Felix to give it to you, there is a reason why you and your sister are here and there is a reason why I tested you when you arrived" he said in a low tone.

There's a reason for everything, what if he also told Felix to be with me! Shit... I've fallen into a trap.

"And why?" I asked, my voice shaking a little, he let out a slight chuckle, "don't be scared little Ari, there's nothing to be worried about" he soothed.

"I tested you to see how your brain works, how quick you adapt, how strong you are, emotionally and physically" he started, "your sister is here to help you... you're powerful" he continued, I give him a confused look, wait... powerful?

"That flower was created by this island itself, it holds powerful magic within and when held by the right person... that magic transfers into that person, and it just happens to be out Neverland sweetheart" he explains, "you, Arabella Rose Darling, is our very own Neverland sweetheart... Neverland gave you the gift of magic" what? Me! But why?

The story that was never told! (OUAT-Neverland)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant