CHAPTER NINETEEN: unexpected sickness

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Ari POV-

So, Felix literally and effortlessly carried me all the way to the big waterfall!

"You see, we made it just fine" Felix said, "you mean you made it just fine with extra weight" I say back with sarcasm.

He just chuckled and leaned down to me and gave me a passionate kiss, once he pulled back, he looked at me in the eyes while saying, "I've got something for you" aww, he always gives me the sweetest things and random times.

Felix pulls out a flower, a Lillie to be specific. The Lillie had white and purple petals and is very beautiful.

As soon as I have the Lillie in my hand, I feel light headed and dizzy. All of a sudden I black out and fall.

Felix POV-

When Ari grabbed hold of the flower, she immediately turned whiter than a ghost and stumbled backwards, then she fell... I quickly lunged forward to catch her.

I pick her up bridal style and as quick as I could, race her back to camp. I have no idea if she's going to be alright! Did Pan know that this was going to happen?

As I enter camp, I ignore everyone and head to her tent to place her on her bed, after making sure she's comfortable, I go out to find Pan.

I found him almost immediately, "Pan" I yell angrily to get his attention, "what is it Felix?" He asked, oblivious to my temper. "She's not well, did you know she would get sick? Is she going to be alright?" I practically yell in his face, causing an audience. "Look Felix, I understand that you're angry and worried... but she's fine, trust me just give her a few days" he whispered so only I could hear.

I nod, "I hope you're right" I reply before I leave him, death glaring everyone who's trying to eavesdrop. I find myself leaning against my usual tree when I was approached by the least expected person.

Wendy POV-

I approached 'creepy Felix', that's what Bae and I have been calling him, because I noticed that he was carrying my sister into her tent... she looked pale, and I want to know if she's alright.

"Hey, what's happened to Arabella!" I asked trying to sound confident, "she's just I'll, but she'll be ok" he replied not even making eye contact, "how can you be so sure that she'll be ok?" I asked yet another question, hopefully I get something out of him... "give her a few days, why don't you be a good sister and look after her... after all, she's always there for you and cleaning up your messes " he snaps. Wow, umm ok... did he just insult me? Also Ari doesn't even clean my messes!

I decided not to argue, instead I go fetch a bucket of cool water, a cloth and I head to my sisters tent to 'look after' her.

I entered her tent, and I'm speechless... I've never seen her sick before and she lies there lifeless! I lean down beside her bed and drenched the cloth, I squeeze the excess water then I place the cloth over her forehead. Next I check her temperature, which was really high... hopefully the cool water will help! Then I sing her a lullaby that mum use to sing to us every night.

Pan POV-

I didn't tell Felix what would happen to Ari because I knew he wouldn't give her the flower and if I'm correct, she won't accept a flower from anyone who isn't Felix.

She'll only be out for a couple of days... Ari's stronger than she looks.

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