CHAPTER SIX: flashbacks

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Later that evening, I'm sitting on a log while the boys dance around the bonfire, thinking about how I fell for Felix... I remember when he first taught me how to fish, that uneasy feeling when he stood behind me and placed his hands on mine to catch a fish.

When he whispered in my ear and left me cold, missing his touch, but that was just the first of it...

~flashback one~

We were walking through the forest just to reduce our boredom, when all of a sudden  he stopped and handed me a bow and arrow, I gave him a confused look.

"You wanna shoot some apples?" He asked looking me in the eyes, "sure" I shrug my shoulders.

He grabs an apple and puts it on his head, he then tells me to shoot it off his head.

I look down at the arrow to see it's covered in dream-shade! "No... what if I hit you?" I ask shaking my head, "you won't" he soothed.

I take a deep breath and lift the bow, with concentration I shoot and hit the apple straight off his head, I let out a sigh of relief as he says, "see, I told you" he then took the bow off me and brushed a hand softly over my cheek, when he pulled away he said, "I did teach you after all".

~end of flashback one~

I can't help but smile as I remember...

~flashback two~

We were fishing in the cool afternoon, more like mucking around, splashing each other etcetera... not doing any fishing at all.

I see him grab a bucket and filled it with water, I try to run in the water but it's impossible and before I knew it, water drenched me from head to toe.

I let out a scream and turn to see a generally happy Felix, he has a nice smile, it's a shame he doesn't smile more often... he just smirks all the time.

"You know" he started, slightly out of breath, "when I saw you fall into the water, I got curious and... saved you" he confessed, but then he continued in a whisper, "and I'm glad I did", I swear I was as red as a tomato.

~end of flashback two~

Heck, I'm probably blushing now! I look up to see James and Ace smirking at me... yep, I'm blushing, they confirmed it!

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