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Ari POV-

After breakfast, Felix, James, Nibs, Thomas and I decided to do something different this morning and go see the mermaids.

As we arrive at mermaid lagoon, we see the mermaids sitting on rocks and giggling, James calls out to them and the came over.

The instantly start flirting with the boys... especially Felix! I'm not jealous, I'm not jealous I keep saying to myself.

They're all so pretty! And they all know how to flirt and get attention... to distract myself from my thoughts, I listen in on their conversation... big mistake, big mistake.

"What are you handsome fellas doing here on this fine morning?" One fish asked, "yeah, and what are you doing with her?" Another one said while pointing a finger at me, "ewww, she needs to do something with her hair" like I'm not insecure enough already! "Hmmm, maybe we should try drowning her again" the gorgeous but mean fish that spoke up suggests.

"You will NOT" Felix snapped, everyone including me looked at him wide eyed, even the mermaids looked quite shocked. "But baby, why?" One of the fish whined, "because I said so" he replied sternly folding his arms and casually leaning against a huge rock.

Thomas and James then gave me a wink as if to say 'he's interested' but I doubt it. I mean no one expected him to stand up for me but that doesn't mean that he likes me.

With the stupid fish continuing to be nasty toward me, I decided to head back to camp, leaving the boys to flirt with the smelly creatures.

Before I am out of sight, I hear one of the fish say "oh good, look... the filthy ugly girl is going" I start to tear up but I won't let them fall, is that how everyone sees me? Filthy and ugly.

Turns out, someone was following me back into the forest, "don't listen to them" came Felixś sexy low voice, "I'm not" I lie, "thank you" I croaked out, "anytime darling" he replied and I blush.

I don't know weather he was addressing to me by my last name or if he was being sweet... wait, does he even know my last name? I haven't told anyone except the blank parchment!

The story that was never told! (OUAT-Neverland)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें