CHAPTER THREE: The first lost girl

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I marched staring into Pans camp and collapsed to the hard ground. "Well, well, well, look who finally decided to join the party... BOYS" pan yelled.

All the lost boys gathered around me in a circle, "let me introduce my lost boys" Pan started, "Cubby, Nibs, Ted, James, Thomas and Ace" he finished, but I was too tired to pay attention, I'll learn everyone's name later, "and this is my right hand man, Felix", I look up to see the tall, slim guy standing next to Pan with a smirk on his face, again with the toothpick and club... I assume that's Felix.

"Felix, show Ari to her tent, let her rest and tonight we celebrate" Pan practically yells.

Next minute I know, Felix is pulling me to me feet and literally dragging me to the tent across the camp, the throws me in... rude much? I immediately Collapse on the single bed and instantly fell asleep.

After a while, I awake to hollering outside, I get up to see what's going on. I see everything dancing around a bonfire and making animal noises, everyone except Pan and Felix who are leaning against a tree deep in a conversation.

I approach them and asks, "what's going on?" They both give me a funny look, "we're celebrating" Felix says like it was obvious, "celebrating what?" I asked confused.

"You" Pan says smirking, "me?" I asked shocked and confused, "yes, you" Felix cuts in, "why?" I asked, still not understanding, "because, you Ari... is our very first lost girl" Pan confuses.

I'm the first lost girl!

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