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Pans POV-

I'm leaning against a tree, watching as the sun rises, shining it's light over the trees. I'm out early so I can think of a pan.

The thing is, I want to convince Wendy or manipulate her into staying here in Neverland.

I know that Wendy came just to 'rescue' her sister and to take her back to London... but she can't, not only because Ari can't leave... but because she belongs here, they both do in a way.

But how to get her to stay? Hmmm...

Wait! I may have an idea, just as I was about to leave camp, I see Felix coming out of Ari tent... trying to sneak out I assume, I smirk to myself and continue my way out without disturbing him.

I enter the area of the cages and lower the one that Wendy is in, I open the cage and throw some black tights, a plain grey t-shirt, a jacket and some boots at her, "put these on" I say as I turn to give her privacy... I'm only giving her cloths so then she is not only comfortable, but acceptable for this island.

"Am I seeing Arabella now?" She asked and I chuckled, "no... not yet, I want to show you something" I say as I extend my hand for her to take, he hesitantly takes my hand and I lead her out of the cage.

We walk hand in hand through the forest, I'm only holding her hand so she doesn't make a run for it! Anyway I show her mermaid lagoon, the big waterfall and a lot of the forest.

Speaking of the forest, the view is much better from above! "There's one more thing I'd like to show you" I say, holding her hand a little tighter. Without warning I lift us both off the ground causing her to let out a squeal. I fly her high above the trees and I swear I heard her gasps. I take a quick glance at her to see she's wide eyed in awe.

We fly for a little while, then I land is close to camp... but she of course doesn't know that.

"Here" I say chucking her a red apple, she catches it... surprisingly, "it's poisoned" she states causing me to chuckle, "no, just thought you'd be hungry" she stares at me, "what... don't you trust me?" I ask teasingly, she then hesitatingly takes a small bite.

"So, are you liking Neverland" I ask curiously, "how long have you kept me in that cage?" She snaps, "you let me out one day and you expect me to 'like' this place?" She ranted on. Smart one she is... I honestly didn't think she had that in her! I pull an eyebrow in amusement.

"Tell you what... I'll take you back to camp, you can meet everyone and see your sister... if you agree to stay here forever, or you can go back to the cages... you choice" I suggests, after a long moment of silence she nods, so I take her back to camp where everyone will be, as we enter, all eyes are on her in confusion...

The story that was never told! (OUAT-Neverland)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt