5 - Rejected ♪

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(see that video up there? Play it to read with music🎶. It's for setting the scene)

"Rita Scarlett, I like you. Very much," he said.


"I'm sorry, what?" I looked around for cameras or people.

"Is this your idea of a prank?" I asked him.
I couldn't believe it. It was just so...

"This isn't a prank, I swear! I really do like you! I'll even protect you."

Okay, so maybe he was telling the truth. But I would rather die than depend on someone else for my protection. I didn't want anyone's help. That just made you get attached to them and that was the last thing I wanted. I didn't want to date anyone right then.

"So? you ought to have said yes by now, don't you think?"He asked.

The way he just assumed I would say yes when we barely knew eachother pissed me off.
All that remained in my mind was how to say no. He had a short temper and thought of me as beneath him. So I decided to handle the situation with care and let him down easy.

"Look I'm sorry, I just don't feel the same way."

He looked shocked. He obviously wasn't expecting me to say no.

"What do you mean, no? Any girl would want to be in your position right now!"

"Oh, just because of that, no one can ever say no to you?! This is exactly why I don't like you! You're so superficial," I said.

I looked at his expression. He had snapped. Shit. Me and my big mouth.

"You bitch! How dare you?! You should be grateful I even like a healer like you! I even turned down Amy for you," He yelled.

Ah! So that's what Amy was going on about yesterday.

People were beginning to gather around us. He reduced his voice and said, "I liked you because you looked pretty but you're so stuck up. Who the hell do you think you are? No wonder no one likes you! I'll screw you over. Just you wait!"

He stormed off, leaving a strong breeze blowing behind him. His power was wind.

The students around us scattered, murmuring. For the first time in my life, I actually pitied Amy. She was in love with this guy? Please. Though I guess they would suit eachother, in a way. I definitely hurt his ego, that's for sure. But I never asked him to like me! Also, from what angle did he think I looked pretty?

I went back to class. Everyone was staring at me and Ash, who was sitting a few seats away from me. Rumours were already spreading. Amy looked happy.

Word had gotten out that I said that I liked him to Ash and he rejected me. I was amazed at how they twisted the facts to suit their imaginations.

After school ended I hurried back to the orphanage. I wanted to check on Lily. I was running and turned the corner leading to the building. I bumped into someone ad fell on the road. I looked up, wincing, to find Lily lying opposite to me. I had a cut on my knee.

"Rita! I was looking for you!"

What the heck was she doing here? I swear, those wardens were getting more and more careless.

"Lily, I - "

"Your knee is bleeding! Wait, I'll heal it," she said.

"No Lily, don't!!" I shouted. But it was too late.

Her hands glowed as she healed me. I looked around us. They were people, strangers staring at us. But then I saw his face. It was Ash. By the look on his face, I knew he'd seen us.  I grabbed Lily and ran into the orphanage. I got to my room and sat on the bed.

Another girl in the dorm suddenly came in, and seeing me, went pale. I knew her. She was one of the people who were actually nice to me.

"R- Rita? What are you doing here?"

"Uh...it's my dorm...?"

"O- okay come with me. They're looking for you. Lily can stay here."

"Who's looking for me? Mia, what's going on?"

"Just come with me!"

"Okay, okay, chill! I'm coming. Lily, stay here. But you shouldn't have done that back there!" I looked at Mia. "I'll talk to you once I get back, okay?" I told Lily.

"Oh god, I can't do this." Mia crumbled to the floor, burying her head in her hands.

"Hey... Are you sure you're fine?" I asked her. She was acting really weird.

"Rita, I'm so sorry! I can't believe I was going to-"

" Mia!" I held her shoulders. "Just tell me what's wrong."

She was shaking. "Rita, you have to get out of here. You have to run."

What the hell was she saying?

"Rita, listen to me. The Healer's Touch has been made legal. There are bounties on healers everywhere. People will be coming for you. You have to run."

AN : don't forget to give this chapter a vote and comment your thoughts on this chapter! I appreciate your feedback.

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