Explaination (Chapter 9)

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       "Micheal?" Henry asked, looking up, and down the figure in front of him. "Uncle Henry?" Micheal muttered out. (He calls him uncle because he was really close to his dad, and took care of him while his dad was at work, or if his dad was tending to his siblings.) Henry was soon hugging Micheal. It took awhile for Micheal to process what was going on, but once he did he hugged back. They were now both in tears

       "B-but how are you here? Y-you went missing! They even turned the house upside down looking for you!" Micheal said while wiping his tears. "I've been away...researching." Henry replied. "About what?" Micheal asked confused. "I'll tell you later, I can assure you that you'll be very pleased." Henry replied.

       "Right. Uncle Henry?" Micheal said. "Yes Micheal?" Henry looked up at him. "Can I please stay here?" Micheal asked closing his eyes. "Of course." Henry said hugging Micheal again. Micheal tried to keep from crying. Henry softly smiled, "So are you going to let your friend out?" Henry asked turning to sweep up the broken glass on the floor. "Oh yeah I guess I sho-" Micheal was about to finish when he realized that Henry knew. "H-how? How did you know about him?" Micheal looked at Henry confused. Henry chuckled. "That's for me to know, and for you to find out." Henry replied. Micheal crossed his arms, and rolled his eyes.

      Micheal remembered something that he had in his bag, and he thought about how Henry helped his father invent most things, so he must know what it I was going to be used for. "Uncle Henry?" Micheal said while reaching for the disk. "Yes Micheal?" Henry said turning to him. "What's this? It helped me with rotting. I call it an Illusion disk." He asked handing the disk to Henry.

      Henry's eyes widened. "Where'd you get this?!" Henry asked smiling. "I found it in my father's desk after he went missing." Micheal replied. Henry continued to look over it. "It works?" Henry asked, still looking over the disk. "Yeah it worked fine, I used it for a week."  Micheal said. "This is great news!" Henry exclaimed.

       "What is it for?" Micheal asked. "Henry looked at Micheal and sighed. "Come sit down. There's a lot to explain." Henry said while pulling out a chair. "Okay?" Micheal shrugged his shoulders and sat down. Henry took a seat next to him. "This disk was meant to be used for my daughter." Henry said. Micheal's eyes widened. "But isn't she dead?" Micheal asked. Henry smiled. "That's why I made this." Henry replied. "It's meant to be used on the dead." Henry explained, "I was going to use it on Charlie, but it was missing when I went to give it to her.", Henry expounded. "I couldn't find it in our office at all. I knew that William probably had it, and when he found out what it was, it wasn't going to be pretty. If he knew that I knew what he did, he'd have to get rid of me." Henry said while looking at the disk. "I left without it. I decided I wouldn't come back until everybody thought I was dead, or I had enough disk made to give to the innocent souls he took life away from. I've only made 11 so far, this one makes 12. I came back once the police closed my case." Henry explained further more averting his attention to Micheal. "I know that you know what happened to your father, and what he did." Henry said knowingly. Micheal fiddled with his thumbs. "Now tell me what you know, so I can further explain the things you don't." Henry said.

       "Well. I know they he killed many innocent children all of which possess an animatronic, and that he possesses an animatronic himself." Micheal answered. Henry nodded. "I also know that he tried to right his wrongs, which I still don't know why that is." Micheal said.

       "Your father was a good person besides that fact that he abused you. He would always tell me it was to toughen you up. That's how he was treated as the eldest when he was younger. He believed that one day it would pay off. He was waiting for the day that you could finally stand up to him, but the day never came. He wasn't too bad until Elizabeth and Christopher died." Micheal flinched at the name. "Sorry Micheal" Henry apologized. "He took your sister's death pretty hard. That's when his abuse got a little more serious." Henry explained. "Then after...you know...and because it was you, it made it a lot worse. You're father was a sad man, he thought that if he couldn't have his kids, then nobody else should be able to have theirs. He soon realized his mistake, and rushed to dismantle the robots in order to try to set the souls free. In his attempt they saw it as a threat and chased him to his death." Henry furthermore expounded. (I'm sorry if this is cringe, I'm really trying.)

       Micheal nodded. "Also Micheal, the surprise I wanted to tell you is...since all of you're family possesses an animatronic, we can save them." Henry said. Micheal's face lit up. "I'm still not forgiving your father though."

       "Eggs you said you were going to let me out 10 minutes ago..."

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