"I love you Eggs." (Chapter 28)

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       By the time William realized what he said, it was too late. Everybody was in a shock. Noah was intrigued by this new information, but more concerned with how Micheal would react. William sighed. "I'm sorry Micheal. I shouldn't of said that." William apologized.

"Get out."

William understood, hung his head, and exited. Henry followed. Micheal remained still as the door creaked shut. Noah noticed this, "Eggs, are you okay?"

Micheal dropped to the floor and started screaming curses, then after awhile just resorted to crying silently. Noah had never seen Micheal like this, thus, he didn't know what to do. Micheal then stopped, and stood up. He then tore his illusion disk off of him, and reverted back to his rotting state. Noah stared at Micheal with curiosity of what he was doing, which soon turned to a face a disgust/horror. Micheal was now tearing of his own skin.

       Noah turned into Ennard as he leapt of the bed he tired his wires around Micheal's body parts and leapt on top of Micheal. "MICHEAL STOP!!" Ennard yelled. "I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL HAS GOTTEN INTO YOU, BUT THERE'S NO REASON TO HARM YOURSELF!!" Ennard added. Micheal looked up at Ennard with a look of happiness, sadness and a bit of anger too. "Why?" Micheal asked, hopeful for a particular answer. Ennard looked at Micheal surprised. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHY? I CARE SO MUCH ABOUT YOU MICHEAL, I'M NOT GOING TO STAND BY WHILE YOU TEAR YOURSELF APART BIT BY BIT." Ennard shrieked. Micheal was shocked. "You idiot." Micheal muttered while looking away from Ennard. "C-caring for a-a lost cause is a waste of-of time." Micheal said while tears came flowing down again. Ennard turned back to Noah and quickly pinned Micheal back down again with his hands and legs. "Look at me Micheal." Noah ordered. Micheal continued to look at the floor. Noah gritted his teeth. He let go of Micheal's arm with one hand and grabbed Micheal's chin and forced Micheal to look towards him. "Don't ever say that about yourself again, don't ever hurt yourself again, and don't EVER think you're not worthy of my time. If anything I'm not worthy of yours." Noah admitted while letting go of Micheal's arms.

        Micheal's eyes widened even more. Noah smiled at Micheal with the warmest smile possible. "I don't know how you manage to do it En, but you're always surprising me." Micheal then kissed Noah, which startled the red head. Right as Noah started melting into it, Micheal deepened it, while putting his hands into Noah's hair. After what seemed like forever Micheal released the kiss, and licked his lips. Noah was confused onto why since he tasted like black licorice (according to Micheal himself). "A-are you o-okay now E-eggs?" Noah asked huffing through the sentence. "I guess so." Micheal said. "Thank you En." Noah smiled. "I love you Eggs." Noah stated. Micheal stared at him in surprise, then replied with, "Don't expect me to say it back." Micheal said while looking away. Noah grinned.

'I love you too En, what do I need to do to get you?'

(I just remembered that they've both been in only underwear the entire time.🥲)

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