"Why can't I feel Emotions?" (Chapter 6)

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They were both on their way home. Ennard was in control of Micheal's body because Micheal surrendered control over to him. Micheal got lazy, also Micheal was upset that Ennard left his car on the other side of town, and he got done with him.

Ennard took the key out of his pocket and unlocked the door. He opened the door to his new home, and got out of Micheal's body carefully. It still hurt Micheal, and it turns out Micheal fell unconscious while Ennard was in control.

When Ennard exited he caught Micheal, so Micheal wouldn't fall to the floor. He didn't want to be told off for that one. He'd already gotten told off for leaving the car all the way across town. Ennard decided that he'd clean and bandage Micheal's wound, so Micheal wouldn't have to hurt himself moving around.

Ennard carried Micheal to the bathroom and sat him up on the counter. Ennard kept trying to grab the disinfectant, but Micheal wouldn't stay still. He kept slouching or falling to his sides, and that stretched his wound. Ennard finally got fed up. 'He's even annoying while unconscious' Ennard thought while rolling his eyes, and carried Micheal to the toilet.

Ennard sat on the toilet (with the top lid down, that'd be nasty if he didn't) and placed Micheal down on his lap where Micheal's torso was facing him. Micheal was finally sitting straight up. Ennard removed Micheal's top, and started applying the alcohol to Micheal's wound very carefully. Micheal winced in his sleep, but fortunate for Ennard he was a heavy sleeper.

Ennard then applied the peroxide to Micheal's wound. Ennard then had to reach while holding Micheal up for the bandages. He was going to use his hands, but he decided to use his wires just in case he would drop Micheal. Ennard cautiously bandaged up his wound, he also did a couple more layers since he didn't want to change them or have Micheal change them.

Ennard picked up Micheal, and carried him to the living room where he laid Micheal across him on the couch since Ennard wanted to lay on the couch and watch his show. The couch was a very small couch, so if Micheal were to sit while Ennard laid on it Micheal would be squished and uncomfortable.

Ennard turned on the TV and ate his exotic butters while Micheal slept soundly on his chest.


After awhile Ennard got bored of his show. He looked at the male sleeping on his chest with curiosity. Ennard started playing with the smaller males hair while thinking. Ennard thought about how Micheal had so many emotions, and could even turn red. Ennard only had some basic emotions that rarely even came out. This was one of the times his emotions were coming out, he was a little upset that Micheal had all these other emotions, and could express them freely while he found it hard to express them even one at a time.

Ennard then thought about how Micheal talked about one emotion he didn't like to express freely. Ennard didn't know why Micheal didn't like crying, but Micheal seemed like when he did it was wrong. Ennard was in deep thought at this point, he didn't even realize the smaller male start to stir awake.

Micheal slowly opened his eyes. He didn't know what was going on, but he felt cold metal against his skin. Micheal's vision was still blurred from just waking up too. Micheal rubbed his eyes, and when he was done he was meet with a stained white mask, and a rosey colored nose. Micheal blushed when he realized that not only was he inches apart from Ennard face he was also on top of Ennard's body like wires.

Ennard only snapped out of his trance when Micheal spoke, "Ennard, why am I on top of you?" Micheal said getting up. Micheal then looked down to see that he was shirtless with just some pants and bandages. "Why am I shirtless?" He asked turning even redder.

Ennard looked at him and said, "Well I didn't want to wake you, so I changed your bandages for you." He said bluntly. Micheal became the crimson. "T-thanks I guess." Micheal said looking away. Ennard saw that Micheal was red. "Eggs?" Ennard questioned. "Y-yes Ennard?" Micheal said. "What emotion do you feel when your face turns red?" Ennard asked innocently. Micheal turned even more red at this. Micheal thought that it was more of an embarrassment feeling because he couldn't "like like" a robot. "I guess it's embarrassment." Micheal said rubbing the back of his next unsure of his answer. "Oh." Ennard replied.

"Eggs?" Ennard said again. "Why don't I have those feelings?" Ennard questioned. Micheal then remembered that since he was a robot he really couldn't feel any feelings. "You were programmed that way Ennard." Micheal replied. "But...I...I wanna feel emotions." Ennard looked away while saying. Micheal looked at Ennard with fascination. In all his years he's never met a robot who actually wanted feelings.

"I could reprogram you to feel those emotions..." Micheal trailed off. Ennard perked up. "You can?" Ennard asked. Micheal smiled.

"I can."

Sorry if Ennard seemed really soft in this chapter I wasn't really trying to make it that was. Hope you enjoyed reading!!

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