Springlock Scars. (Chapter 19)

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       Henry stood there in shock. How was Willaim here? Henry stepped back from the figure. He looked at William, and then at his own feet. The person who had been responsible for his daughter's death dared to show his face? Henry's fear soon turned into rage. Henry cletched his fist, and then looked up, glarring at he man. As he was glarring at Willaim he noticed scars all over Willaim's body. He also took into account of his new look, and features.

       William wore dull dark purple rolled up jeans. Connected to those jeans were suspenders, which had a lighter dull purple dress shirt with a black tie. William also had on black dress shoes, and a dull dark, and light purple security hat on to top the outfit off. Henry noticed William's skinnier figure, and his face now had a huge scar across his now blind eye. The eye looked to have a swirl in it, one that you'd use to hypnotize somebody if it were to keep swirling. His other eye was completely normal, but it was now purple instead of blue. William also had a small amount of facial hair, and two tear like marks on his face, one was purple and the other black.

       Henry was about to charge at William, but before he could even take a step, William collapsed to the floor. Henry, who was now panicked, rushed to William's side without thinking. William now lay limp in front of Henry. Henry pulled William onto him, and checked his scars, strangely enough they were now open. Blood was leaking from all over William's body, and onto the cold floor.

Henry stopped. He then thought, 'Why am I helping him? He killed me daughter for times sake.' Henry was stopped once again as William opened his eyes a tiny bit. William smiled. He closed one of his eyes as he snidely said, "N-not as I e-envisioned us meeting a-again, but I-it's a s-start." William coughed up some blood, and passed out again.

Henry smiled a bit, but it fell as he remembered what the male in his arms had did. Henry couldn't bring himself to leave William bleeding out on the floor, so Henry lifted him up. Henry carried him to the bathroom, and to his fortune it looked as if the boys had gone up to their room o sleep for the night.

Henry undressed William, and laid him into the tub. Rinsing the blood off of William's skin. Henry recalled doing this before.

He remembered how William, and him had gone to a party when they were 19. William got extremely drunk, and Henry had to carry him home. Clara and William were on another one of their "breaks", so William was at home alone. Henry decided he'd stay, and help William. Henry gave him a bath, put him to bed, and was there in the morning for the hangover.

Henry smiled at the memory. He finished bathing William, and wrapped a towel around him. He went up to his room, and put some clothes on William. He rolled William onto some blankets he had on the floor, and changed into some sleep clothes. He leapt into his bed, and soon found himself in wrapped in warmth. Henry then drifted off to sleep.

Before We Fell In Love (Mennard) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora