"Thank you, France" 

"No problem, now I gotta go sit with my husband before he starts to feel lonely" I said smiling.

I started to walk away with a single thought in my head

"He would be a nice Son-In-Law."

America POV 

Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Idaho have been really sick they weren't fainting like California did. But they were more inactive then usual. We found out that the disease has a 74% chance of killing. If it's a more severe case like California then 67% chance.

"Dad am I next? Missouri asked.

"Aww sweetie..." I said.

"If anyone next it's me" Texas said.

"No, Texas your not gonna be next" I told him.

Missouri started to walk away, when she was completely gone I turned to Texas.

"If I'm correct you will take a little longer to infect due to your size but you have the most people in your state." I told him.

"Thanks for trying to comfort me" Texas said slightly smiling.

I then remembered something the U.S military had got recently.

"Texas, stay here for one sec" 

I left the room and came back with it.

"I know you already have enough guns but I got you the POF rebel 22" (Look it up I don't feel like putting the picture in)

"Yes! I wanted this! I'm gonna shoot Alabama and show him who the real cowboy is!" 

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I watched Texas run away with the gun. Well that's gonna be an issue later but I have bigger issues.

"Dad I'm hungry" Arizona said between coughs.

"Sweetie your supposed to be in bed" I told her.

"But I'm hungryyyyyy" She said.

"Why don't I make you some Red chile stew?" 

"YES!!!" She yelled.

I was starting to get sleep deprived again, and I was getting nosebleeds and headaches. I know those are the symptoms of high blood pressure. I've been taking pills but they haven't seem to have been working.

New York's room has been off limits and he's fairly mad about it, but he gets to sleep wherever he wants. Sometimes I let him sleep in my room, while I do the dishes and disinfect.


"Why the heck was I getting so many texts?" I thought.

To be clear this is a large group chat 

Rus: Why are you on lockdown

Japan: Yeah why! (∩`-')⊃━炎炎炎炎炎

Phil: Did you shut down all transportation?

Japan: Phil!

Phil: What! I'm just ondering

Phil: *wondering 

Canada: Pls reply!

You:      Please stop worrying, this is a United States issue. I made sure to cut off borders to other countries and states, flights are only being used for emergencies and everything that comes in and goes out is being disinfected. The harbor, flights and around my house I'd being watched so don't even think of coming to my country or my house.

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