The Kiss. (Chapter 19)

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*A/N: Just wrote this in an hour, I love this chapter and find the video attached Frank's acoustic version of 'Stafe 4 of Trying' - oh and... Warning it may get a little bit heated hence the title of the chapter! enjoy and keep up with the support! love you all!

The Kiss. (Chapter 19)

Age 29

I sit perched on a stool center stage, people have gradually tuned me out so I find myself in my comfort zone with my guitar perched on my knee and the microphone in front of me. I don’t even introduce the song, I let my fingers just start playing and soon my words begin to flow. My eyes closed and my chest empty where my heart used to be.

“If I face my fears, would my skies be all but clear? Probably not. Then again I’ve always held my doubts so close to my heart that these frames have trapped all my better days. There they stay frozen and unscathed. Though I’ve traveled far, I’ve been back to the start. And I found some scars in places I have never shown to anyone. I don’t know why it took so long to get back home. “If you could hear the dreams I’ve had my dear…” yeah I know you’ve heard that line before. But if I had the chance to scream all the things I’ve underlined…you’d find I’m a thief, but my taste is so refined. I traveled far, I reached for the stars. But those stars don’t reach back, they’re better left alone, everyone will tell you. I never felt more alone than when I fell. So I don’t know why it took so long to get back home. I’ve traveled all these miles just to get back home.”

I feel the tear run down my cheek, the crowd is silent in my mind, I don’t want them to spoil it and I don’t want to move a single inch because I know as soon as I finish I will go back to the van and pick up my stuff before returning to the cold cell that used to be my home.

It isn’t until I feel a small cold hand touch my face that I open my eyes. Looking back at me are the largest most beautiful hot chocolate colored eyes I have ever seen. A small sob escapes me as the tiny body crushes to me pulling me off the stool I’m sat on and her into my lap. My rough callused hands pat down her hair and I drop my face into her neck before I pick her up. I am surprised at my strength as I cradle her to my chest. If she’s here… that must mean…

My head snaps up and my eyes begin to search feverishly through the slew of drunken crowd members. I keep looking for that familiar crop of black hair, the one as dark as a crow feather and skin as pale as any vampire.

Then I see those caramel and coffee eyes. My heart stops and I become dizzy. I feel like I’m going to throw up.

He’s here.

He’s here!

My legs act of their own accord I find myself making my way towards him, I fight off the crowd, not even noticing them anymore. Because those eyes, the ones that I was seen filled with despair and passion, because holy crap he’s here! He made it! I feel like I am meeting him for the first time, like waiting to meet a member of a band you’ve been a fan of your whole life. I can’t believe it. He’s blonde now, it’s a lemon color that sets off his thick dark eyebrows.

I feel a ball of nerves well in my chest and throat as I get closer. And closer. But it doesn’t matter as I am met with the hot feverish passion of his lips on mine. I set her down although I can feel her still grabbing onto my jeans as I pull him close. My hand in his hair, on his neck, around his shoulders, his waist, his chest; I explore him as he explores me. I feel my head spin, I feel my heart beat through my chest suddenly alive with adrenaline and fire, with hope of a new future and love. My mind was working over time, it was full of memories and feelings, and it was winding me up inside twisting and turning; it felt like every vein in my body throbbed and every organ and tissue melted. He placed soft kisses the corner of my mouth and left a trail of kisses down my flushed cheek and jawbone. My head tilted back, giving him more access to my pale neck and throat. I’m sure he could feel the pulsing of blood in my jugular and kisses his way up and down it a few times, causing a slight shiver that I had been holding inside. I wish it was just us, us in our little world our ‘somewhere only we know’ no interruptions, deserted on our own island.

He moved closer, bringing our lips together, he moaned quietly as I traced his lips with my tongue, it was familiar but every time I reattached my lips to his I found something new nestled into them, like a cut or chapped skin or an unknown sweet or rich taste left on them waiting to be licked off. Slowly, he parted his lips and granted my tongue entrance to his mouth. I slowly ran my tongue across his, tasting the inside of his mouth. He shivered as I ran my hands over his ribs and down his back, gripping tightly. I pulled him onto my lap as he wrapped his arms around my neck, slowly moving his tongue with mine. I moaned at the taste of him, a taste I had grown used to and craved for so long.

“You came.” I sob against his lips as pull back ending out kiss with a bite to his bottom lip, my nose nudges against his and I feel the small little lump at the end; no quite a mole but not a spot, I feel his laughter lines around his mouth, his prominent cheek bones. Everything I didn’t notice before, I notice now as I just take him in.  

“Always. Frankie. Always.” He whispers.

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