The Fall. (Chapter 6)

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The Fall. (Chapter 6)

 Age 23

 I had left Gerard in bed this morning, looking down at him curled up in the duvet so his leg was over the top and rolled up so his whole back was bare to me; I loved to run my fingers down the soft pure skin over the bumps and ridges of his spine and into the small dimples of his lower back. He was beautiful, something I had never imagined I would think a man could ever be, but beauty didn’t have to me something you possessed through appearance it could be anything and everything if it had the heart to possess it.

I hated this part of the day, when I would wake up and leave him to return to my home in preparation for the day, although I practically lived with Gerard and Ivy I still didn’t know if he was ready enough for me to take the next step and propose to move in together. On days like these I wished I could wake him up and we could just sit on the porch together to watch the sun begin to rise up through the darkness, it’s something about the colours in the air when you’re watching the sunrise…The feeling of completely numbness and the smile that spreads across your face as you realize it’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. It’s something about the word “alone,” that disappears from your vocal bury in that exact moment and you feel less alone than ever. Yeah it really is something about watching the sunrise…The feeling you get when you sit next to a person you care about. The touch of his soft hand fixed into yours. The quiet moment when words aren’t necessary because you feel like that person can read your mind. When the world suddenly seems a bit more beautiful, because of the love you’re receiving from the person next to you. I sigh looking back to the bed before slipping out into my car and embracing the sickening feeling deep into my stomach, the feeling I had grown accustom to over the past few days.

I had decided to head home early feeling an odd panic attach feeling rise in my chest. I had planned on grabbing some groceries and changing into my favourite sweatpants and cuddly shirt that smells like Gee.

My apartment feels empty, noiseless without the pitter patter of little feet and loud giggles and belly laughs. I sigh as I unpack the meal I plan on making tonight as a little ‘I love you’ treat, I just hope Ivy likes it she’s very picky with her meals although if you set down enough of it she’ll gobble it up like a turkey before the oven. Man, I need new similes or metaphors. 

I go to put the ice cream into the freezer hoping I won’t need a bowl to eat it from later- ice cream, sex and the taste of the man I love. I giggle cheekily at the thought feeling butterflies erupt in my stomach as I picture it. It doesn’t last long before I’m interrupted by the sound of the door; I panic a little thinking Gee may be early now I’m not at school or it could be a package I had ordered.

Only I’m met with caramel hair, deep green eyes and slightly freckled cheeks before I feel the familiar touch of cherry flavoured lips on my own and slim cold hands at the back of my neck and tracing the tattoo’s on show; I make it from the door into the apartment as shock and disbelief consume me.

“Jamia.” I gasp as we pull away but keep in each other’s arms not believing she’s really here; how she’s grown beautiful slender curves and fits to me perfectly.

“Happy 4th anniversary.” She whispers showing off her pearly whites as she twirls a finger in the soft curls at the base of my neck. I startle, how could I forget her? How could I completely discard the fact I’m married to this amazing woman and still be with Gee. I’m a terrible person, I’m not good enough for either of them. But before I can even say anything she kisses me again with such passion and hunger I let out a deep growl from the back of my throat as she pulls me into my room. I’m suddenly under her spell, her fruity scent all over me and misting over my senses; her soft skin to my touch and full curves against my chest moulding to me in a way I had forgotten. No stop this Frank think of Gee!... but she’s your wife!.... you love Gerard you idiot don’t let this ruin your chances with him!... you need her Frankie, she needs you and once you explain to Gerard he’ll understand.

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