The Promise. (Chapter 20 Part 1)

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The Promise. (Chapter 20 Part 1)

Age 18

I had seen him walk down the corridor, wet and beaten, just like every other day. But this time I wasn’t going to let him get away with it, the sight of him so defeated and soulless made me angry, it made me want to kill, burn and beat. Mikey watches him looking torn, he wants to reach out for his brother as much as I do, but we know he won’t accept it. Through the time he got over his addictions, through his feelings of loss and heart ache, Gerard was never willing to go to others for support.

"Sick mother*ckers like him deserve to be f*cking prosecuted." I find myself snarling at Mikey, looking down at my converse clad feet with my fist clenched.

"Frank, it’s fine honest, it’s nothing." Mikey sighs and puts a hand on my shoulder but this time I find it doesn’t calm me. We had never been friends, our only connection was Gerard, he knew how I felt and he offered a mutual understanding which faced itself as a form a friendship.

"No, it’s not Mikey I’ve had f*cking enough of this." I exploded and with anger pulsing through me I stormed down the corridor with fists balled at my side. I felt the eyes watching me, boring into my soul as I searched to find the one person I wanted.

It isn’t until I see the short cut black hair belonging on big broad shoulders, that I stop short, I brace myself and turn my eyes into slits.

“Hey sick fu*k!" I holler after him, the preppy Jock, Jake turns to me with a little fire in his eyes.

"What did you just say?" He smirks looking down at me with cockiness in his eyes. He knows I can’t hold a fight, he thinks he is going to win easily but I won’t let him. Not this time.

"I said you are one sick f*ck. You really think putting some poor kids head in a toilet is gonna change him? Well it’s not. It’s just a fucking game to you isn’t it sick f*ck? A game you started playing because somewhere in that f*cked up brain of yours; behind all the lies and fake happiness; is a lame kid with a sh*tty life that he has to beat kids up for fun and use them as a punch bag! Because all your f*cking faults and sh*tty excuses need to be set free and squashed into someone else!" I all but scream at him, shoving him and pushing him hard until I knock him over and tower on top of him right there on the dirty corridor floor. "Got nothing to say now have you sickf*ck? I know for a fact that in that pretty little head of yours is a life pretty much as f*cked up as ours and you can’t even admit it to yourself. What makes you think you are so goddamn special that you can just kick people around like that huh because you Jake Big-shot-football-player are no f*cking saint and I swear to f*cking god if you ever touch- no- if you ever come near one of us I will make your life a f*cking living hell starting with cutting off your d*ck with rusty garden shears and ramming yourself down your throat until you choke to death you pathetic as*hole!" I yell as I punch him again and again; in the jaw, nose, eye; I beat him for all the kids who had the same done to them. I make sure I draw blood and feel as if I had used him for my own personal punching bag.

I feel victorious, but it isn’t until I see the crowd of people watching that I back off, my palms are sweaty and I rise to my feet. You are totally lying to yourself, just pull up your big boy boxers and get the f*ck out of here!!

He pulls himself to his feet and the 6ft 4 man towers over my 5ft 2 frame… I take off, down the corridor. “This isn’t over you little sh*t!” I hear him call after me but I don’t hear the rest of it, all I do hear is his footsteps pounding through the hall after me.

“Quick in here.” A small voice snaps and I feel myself be tugged into a storage closet. She’s a blur of blue, blonde and brown; her eyes a brilliant blue, her hair raven with an array of colours.

“Thanks for saving me.” I smile shyly at her. We are cramped close together in this small space, she’s enticing, her eyes like a deep ocean and she smells like sugar and cinnamon.

“No problem.” She says looking down at her feet, “Look I need you to do something for me. I know you like Gerard.”

My eyes widen at her words, some people knew but most didn’t, I had my own reputation of just being invisible. I think her knowing about me made me aware of how I can’t always just disappear like I’m used to.

“I just need you to look out for him okay, like you did today, I just want you to make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid. I don’t know.” I watch as she battles with herself, like she can’t put it into her own words, she’s struggling trying to say it to me which makes me bite on my bottom lip. “I just want you to promise me everything will be okay.” She tells me, taking my arms in her hands, she looks into my eyes with wild abandon.

“I promise.” I say taken aback by her words. It feels like she’s saying something else. It sounds like a goodbye.

“I want you to know he might not know what he wants right now but give it time. One day he’s going to need you more than ever, more than you’ve needed him, I need you to be there.” This girl, from out of nowhere, her words give me hope. They show me that the smallest of things like a crush can be one of the biggest saviours. I hope she’s right.

“I don’t know what you are trying to say…”

“I’ve seen a lot of things, I’ve seen what life would be like in the future, I’ve seen the past. He’ll be happy with you.” She tells me, giving my arms a squeeze before she opens the door to the supply closet.

“Wait who are you?” I try to catch her as she steps out into the light, her face framed in a white glow of the hallway.

“I’m just a girl.” She says before she disappears leaving me with a horrid feeling in my gut.

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