Chapter 7- A Glimpse of the Past

Start from the beginning

"Well if any of them even think about going after you, I will make them regret being born," she says, her vicious words contrasting greatly with the genuine, sunny smile on her lips. It's enough to make Spencer laugh outright and relieve some of his nerves.

"Thanks, Amy."

"Anytime, Vegas."

"Vegas?" He wonders in confusion and Amanda can't help the laugh that escapes at the adorable face he's making with raised eyebrows and a slight grin on his face like he's unsure if the nickname is a good thing or not.

"Well, I gave myself a nickname because I refuse to let someone call me Mandy. It's bad enough my brothers do, but the only shortened version of your name is Spence which only relieves one letter. I could call you Walt but that sounds like an old man's name. It wasn't until we got here and you were showing me how much you know about Las Vegas that it hit me. You're a Vegas boy through and through, Vegas. Just like I'll always be a Southern Belle whose mother forces her into beauty pageants."

This makes Spencer laugh outright. Not able to picture anyone forcing Amy to do anything or the girl that could take down a football player twice her size performing in a beauty pageant. "You were in beauty pageants?"

"Oh whatever, Vegas. Laugh it up. I'll have you know I have never lost and as I say that out loud I realize that it is not as good as it sounded in my head."

"Why do you let her make you do them?" He asks as they walk up his drive.

"She has it just as bad as we do. My grandparents are dead and my mom's inheritance is all under my dad's control. She did pageants. Loved them for reasons unknown to me. I'm her only daughter and these pageants are her only semblance of control. I can't bring myself to take them away from her, you know?"

"Yeah, I do," he whispers as he unlocks the door, letting them both in. "Mom, we're here."

"Oh, Spencer!" Diana exclaims, shocking Spencer who was worried she might've just been laying in bed. "And you must be Amanda. You look like a princess dear with your adorable dress and blonde hair." Amanda looks at Spencer with an amused look before turning to Diana with a bright smile that makes Spencer realize why she had never lost a pageant.

"It's so nice to meet you, Miss Reid. Thank you so much for having me."

"Nonsense. I couldn't miss the opportunity to meet Spencer's first friend!"

"Mom!" Spencer shouts but Amanda just chuckles.

"Well, the kids in Las Vegas must be particularly idiotic if they can't see how great Spencer is."

"I like her already," Diana stage whispers to Spencer, whose face sports a deep scarlet blush.

"Miss Reid, I hope you don't mind but Spencer and I should probably head to the grocery store to get the ingredients for dinner tomorrow."

"Oh, let me get you some money," she states, standing up and beginning to walk away.

"Not to worry, Miss Reid. I can pay."

"Please, call me Diana."

"Okay. Well, in that case, Spencer and I will be back soon, Diana." With that, she linked arms with the boy and dragged him to the grocery store. The trip was a success if you don't count the fact that one of the kids that bullied Spencer in high school, the quarterback, to be specific, had teased him with his best friend, another bully who had been on the baseball team, which prompted Amanda to hand Spencer the groceries and beat them up.

Breaking the quarterback's hand and the baseball player's leg and leaving them with, "Every time you throw a football with your newly healed hand and you run home with your healed leg, remember what it felt like to worry that you may never do that again because if Spencer even makes me think you teased him, I will be back and you will know what it's like to have your careers ruined."

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