Chapter 12

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Throughout the next few days, George wouldn't stop acting suspicious. Every time I walked into the room, or looked his way, he would turn his phone so that I couldn't see it. I still didn't think anything of it and just assumed he was talking to a secret girl. He was quite handsome, but he just wasn't my type. As for nick, we still weren't talking. I understood his feelings and I wanted to respect his decisions, but I missed him so much. Part of me wished I never left and just stayed with him. I wanted to go back to those days when we would speed down the narrow roads of our lonely city with the windows down, blasting music that we've listened to a million times before. A tear streamed down my cheek. The familiar feeling warmed me to my bones at first but soon turned cold. I shivered reminiscing from the past. And wondered if I had made the right choice. Leaving my family and friends in a different country and never looking back.

As I wiped my face dry with my hoodie sleeve, I looked up and saw George standing in the doorway.

"Wanna go get food? I'm starving."

"Always," I smiled, grabbing my bag.

As we were driving to the restaurant, George got a text. His phone screen lit up. I darted my eyes down to his phone but just before I could read the name, he grabbed it from the cupholder.

"What was that?" I asked him letting out a small giggle.

"What was what?"

"Why did you freak out when you got a text?"

"I didn't! No more questions."


I turned my head back to the road and stayed silent for the rest of the car ride.

The Big Decision ~dream x reader~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ