Chapter 8

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Throughout the next 11 hours, my new friend, who introduced himself as George, talked about our interests, friendships, relationships, and our lives. On the outside, he seemed like a mess. Clumsy and forgetful. But on the inside, he was super interesting and humorous.

From what he told me, he lives in a city called Brighton. He said that he's been living there all his life. As he talked, I tuned him out and thought about where I was planning on going after the plane landed.

I interrupted him, "Hey, I know I've only known you for about 11 hours, and this may be a bit of a stretch, but..."

As I explained my situation, he listened closely. After I finished, he stayed silent. I stared at him trying not to think about how embarrassing it was that I just asked a random stranger to live with them. He looked back at me with a smile.

"Yolo," is all he said.

I laughed, for real this time, and hugged him.

"I don't know how to thank you for this one."

"Don't worry, I'll think of a way," he said with a grin.

I looked back at my phone and opened the snapchat app. I angled the phone to half of my face and George's face and said "Smile!" I captioned the photo, "My first friend :)" and saved it. 

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