Chapter 16

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Even though I had been living with George for a few months, a lot of my things were still packed away, folded in one of my suitcases. After I decided I was going to see Nick, everything started moving faster. I got flashbacks from months ago when I initially decided I was going to change my life. And now, even though I knew I would never be able to leave my life here, I still wanted to see the people that I left so abruptly.

I quickly packed about two days of clothes and some toiletries, booked my flight, and ran out the door not worrying about anything else.

I didn't even think to tell George.

My flight leaves in 55 minutes. Am I gonna make it? If I don't I'm not sure what I'll do.

I jumped in a taxi and told them to go as fast as they could to the airport. When we got there, my flight was already leaving in 32 minutes. I ran through the airport feeling like I was in some sort of movie. Swerving through families and old people, trying to not bump into anyone. I speedran through security and booked it to my gate.

"Hi, I'm sorry but is the flight from Brighton to Houston still boarding?" I asked, sounding like I just ran a marathon.

The woman at the desk looked at me like my head was cut off. I stared at her trying to calm down after I just sprinted through the whole airport looking like a fool.

'Um, yes just through those doors."

"Oh my gosh thank you so much!" I half-whispered while I heaved my backpack onto my shoulder.

I ran through the doors and I could hear the woman from the desk closing them behind me. I made it just in time, I thought to myself. I walked to my seat, not worrying about time, shoved my over-packed backpack under the seat in front of me, and laid back hoping to not have a worry for the next half a day.

The plane ride was surprisingly calming. It's like this was exactly what I needed after being stressed for so long. I also decided to text George before we took off. I decided that it was better that he knew and that I didn't get kidnapped.

And so for the next 11 and a half hours, I slept. Which was perfect for me since I hadn't slept the night prior. Everything was peaceful for once. 

The Big Decision ~dream x reader~Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum