Chapter 3

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As I sat across from nick at our favorite cafe, I thought about how things were going to be so different now that we graduated. I thought about how we would start seeing each other less and less, and how we were going to eventually forget each other. My eyes started to tear up and nick noticed. "Hey, you ok?" "Yeah. I'm just worried about the future ya know?" 'Yeah, I get it." "What do you think you're gonna do? Do you want to go to college?" I sat there in the booth, staring at my pancakes pondering his question. "I... I don't really know what I want." "That's okay! You still have time." I loved how nick always knew what to say.

After we finished eating, he drove me home to sit alone in silence. Even though I loved being alone and thinking by myself, the air today felt wrong. Normally I would think about my interests, or maybe about a bio exam the next day. But now all I could think about was nick's question. His words kept replaying in my head. I couldn't think anymore so I decided to go on my computer. Another thing I loved to do was to go on Pinterest and make up different lifestyles for myself. It was a good time waster. And after sitting by myself for about 45 minutes listening to music, and pinning my interests I finally came up with the perfect board for how I was feeling. It consisted of pictures of a rainy day in England in an old town built years and years ago. 

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