~Chapter Seventeen~

Start from the beginning

“Maybe it’s you.” Mayte theorizes.

“Maybe. Did the boys say anything about me while I wasn’t here? Because she was super nice to me last night.”  I say, recalling the tea and how she was calling me Twin.

“That’s Catherine’s way, don’t you know?” Mayte asks, and I shake my head no. “If she doesn’t like you, or is cautious of you, she’s really nice, but then when you make her mad, she does something to hurt you. Obviously, Niall told her about how he thought he might like you, he still considers her his best friend.” she looks at my face and how it has dropped into an expression of horror before adding, “Sorry, I overheard them talking. But that’s how she used to you get her leverage.” Mayte says.

“Aren’t y’all friends?” I ask, wondering why she’s telling me all this.

“Yes, but I think you’re cool, and I don’t want to be on her bad side, and I don’t want to leave you there.” She says with a smile.

“Thank you.” I say, and I mean it. Random acts of kindness are pretty rare. She shrugs.

“So anyway,” she begins, “why are you here?” she asks me.

“I don’t know anymore.” I admit. “I mean, I left New York to come here, because my best friends are here and I seriously needed to get any from problems, but by coming here, I moved into more problems and I wish I knew, I wish I did, but I don’t. I have no idea why I'm here.” I say.

“Then why don’t you go back?” She asks.

“That would be weird, just flopping back and forth so soon. Plus, I really hate flying.” I say.

“That sucks, I'm sorry.” She says, resting a reassuring hand on my arm, and her phone goes off. “Oh shoot, that’s my alarm, I need to go home now.” She says, looking at me apologetic. I just force a smile, and I lead her out of my room and to the entrance way. She hugs me, even with her big shopping bags, and leaves. With a sigh, I close the door behind her. I start to walk back to my room, and as I pass the living room, I over hear Niall and Catherine trying to pick a movie to watch.

“The Iron Giant!” She exclaims.

“No, how about Cats and Dogs?” He suggests.

“Why not the Iron Giant?!” She asks, more angry.

“Because I’ve seen it one too many times.” He says, a serious undertone streaking his voice. Well ok then, I don’t need to hear any more. I continue walking and, finally, re-enter my room. I sit on my bed and open up my laptop to look for my song. There’s a knock on my door, and I just tell them to come in.

“Rachel…” Rebecca says, and I look up at her, she’s crying. “Can I have a hug?” I quickly shut my laptop and rush over to her. I wrap my arms around her and she begins to sob openly. We just stand there for a couple of minutes, me shushing her and stroking her hair, and she sobbing uncontrollably into my shirt. We eventually wonder over to my bed, and just sit on it as she cries. She calms down enough to tell me what’s happened.

“Management wants Harry to… to… to…” She starts but begins sobbing again. I just stroke her hair.

“It’s ok, shh, what’s wrong?” I ask, just to reassure her that I'm listening.

“They want him to date…date… Taylor Swift!” She cries to me and then starts sobbing uncontrollably. What the hell? Taylor fucking Swift? I'm not going to lie, I love her music, but really? He already has Rebecca; he really doesn’t need someone who’s looking to write a song from their relationship. I let her sob into my shirt for a long time, and finally, she calms down once more.

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