~Chapter Nineteen~

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“RACHEL WAKE UP!”  My lovely Jordyn yells.

“I'm up I'm up.” I say, groggily. Not really ready for anything.

“Guess what day it is?” She yells.

“Sunday.” I say with certainty while sitting up and shoving my hair into a ponytail.

“And do you know what happens on Sundays?” Jordyn asks excitedly, plopping down on my bed.

“Obviously not.” I say with a yawn.

“WE PLAY BOARD GAMES.” She exclaims.

“Oh joy.” I say, completely dreading it.

“Oh come on, you’ll love it.” She says with a smile and bounds out of my room. Apparently, Jordyn has started dressing more girly since she’s been here.

Jordyn:  http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=67995296

With a sigh, I heave myself out of bed and head into the shower. After getting all clean and nice, I shove my hair up into a pony tail, because I can already feel that today is not a day to give a shit. I quickly throw on an old shirt of mine and apply some eyeliner and lip gloss. I shove a bright ring on my finger just to add some color and slip a necklace over my head. Yeah, long hair don’t care.


I look myself over once in the mirror and sigh to myself one more time before heading down stairs. I get down stars and I see that everyone is semi-dressed up, but still no Jared and Eli.

I just go and sit next to Jordyn on the couch, still wondering what the general fuck is up.

Bella: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=67996184

Rebecca: http://www.polyvore.com/hello_there_angel_from_my/set?id=67442507

Catherine: http://www.polyvore.com/untitled_234/set?id=67758078

I watch them setting up The Game of Life before someone acknowledges my presence. “Rachel.” Louis says and I look at him. “Why aren’t you dressed?” He asks.


“We always dress nicely to play board games.” He says, and my confusion deepens.

“…why?” I ask.

“It’s a tradition.” Harry says with a smile.

“How’d it start?” I ask.

“Doesn’t matter, but you should go get dressed.” Louis says.

“Why?” I ask, I don’t want to change.

“Because you have to be dressed nicely to play board games.” Zayn says, and I give him a look of disbelief.

“Are y’all messing with me?” I ask and look at Jordyn and Rebecca, who shake their heads no.

“Nope!” Niall says and pops his p. For the first time, I look at Catherine, whom Niall has his arm around, and she’s wearing jeans.

“Catherine’s wearing jeans!” I protest, and she scoffs.

“But I have on a nice shirt and heels.” She says, feeling the need to show off her heels.

“Nice shirt? Oh Catherine, I thought butterflies were for lesbians.” I say, using the only thing I can think of. And she looks down at her shirt then grabs Niall’s face and gives him a huge, disgustingly loud, kiss.

“Lesbian-ize that, bitch.” She says, her claws coming out. So now we ALL see that she doesn’t like me.

“Ok, you’re crazy.” I say and take a step back, I don’t know what she’s going to do, after, she’s crazy.

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