~Chapter Twenty~

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*Four months later*

“We need some light. First of all, we need some light. You can’t sit here in the dark and all alone, it’s a sorry sight. It’s just you and me, we’ll live, you’ll see.” I sing, the blow of the last time I’ll be singing this finale hitting me hard in the chest. This is the last time I’ll be Natalie. This is it. We go through the rest of the song and end with the beautiful harmonies and tears in my eyes as the lights and we fall into line to begin bows.

 I clap and watch as my other cast members do take their bows. I can’t believe this the last performance. My heart aches because of my love for this show and it physically hurts to know that this is the last time I will perform with them. I clap for Dean as he steps forward and takes his bow, he had gotten Henry, just as he had wanted, and he did it brilliantly. With all the time we had spent together, we’re now really close. As he steps back, I step forward to take my bow, and I hear screams and shouts for me and a huge smile grows on my face as my eyes start tearing up. I laugh a little and take my bow, accepting the applause and trying to slow down this moment. I’ll want to replay this moment forever in my head. I wipe away a few tears as I step back in line and allow my other cast members to bow and receive their glory. Finally, we’re all done and we take a company bow before exiting the stage. I laugh a little and hug everyone as I wipe away tears. Finally, we all go out to meet and greet the audience. WE step out into the theater’s lobby and there is another round of applause, and it’s heartwarming. This is amazing; I could live like this forever. My friends rush up and hug me and Rebecca hands me a bouquet of orange roses, my favorite.

“Thanks for coming guys!” I say with a smile.

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world!” Harry exclaims and I laugh.

“You were brilliant!” Louis says.

“Truly!” Zayn says, wrapping his arm around Bella. Oh I did I forget to mention they got engaged the other day?

“Hope you don’t mind that we tagged along.” Ed says, indicating to himself and Sydney, who have this small flirtation going on, and have had it since they met about a month or so ago. I have a good feeling about those two together.  I look around at my group of friends and notice someone is missing. If everyone is here, then there should be 14 people. I look and see, Eli and Jared and there, Bella and Zayn, Jordyn and Louis, Liam and Mayte, Harry and Rebecca, Ed and Sydney, Niall and-

Wait, where’s Catherine?

“Where’s Catherine?” I ask, not really to anyone specific. Jordyn gives me a small wink, which makes me nervous. I haven’t been home much in the past couple of months because of rehearsals and shows, so I usually have to hear things second-hand.

“Food poisoning.” Niall says, and Jordyn breaks out into a smile. It’s all her doing, more than obviously. Jordyn gives me a look that tells me that she will tell me later, and I can’t wait. Catherine has become really intolerable, and not just me, all the girls basically. We don’t have a single fucking clue what her problem is, all we know is that we don’t like it, and we want it to stop.

There’s a tap on my arm.

“Rachel, Pat wants us back.” Dean says, and I nod.

“Guys I gotta go! Food after wards?” I ask and they nod. “Great! Be back in a few.” I say and follow Dean back into the theater and sit next to him as we wait for the rest of the cast. Pat, our director, isn’t even here yet. Usually she gives us a speech about how the show went before we’re dismissed.

“Dean, where is everyone?” I ask.

“Pat wants us back, but in about, oh, five minutes.” He says, checking his watch.

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