~Chapter Seven~

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“Rachel, you can’t be serious.” Louis says, sitting on my bed next to my suitcase.

“Oh, but I am.” I say as I take the last shirt off the hanger in the closet, and fold it neatly before shoving it into my suitcase.

“Come on, Rachel. What about auditions?” he asks, catching my hand as I begin to walk to the dresser. I stop and he takes my other hand. “You have to stay. Sure, you’ve had a fight with a friend, but you’ve got 8 others here.” He says with a smile.

“I know, and I love y’all, but I don’t want to be starting things with friends that have been so great to me for years. Do you know how many times Jordyn and I have fought in the past 6 years we’ve known each other? 1. We had one fight, and it was at three in the morning at a sleep over. Other than that, we have never fought, so the fact that we have twice in one day is incredible. Seriously, maybe it’s just London. Maybe it makes me more aggressive, I don’t know, but even though I love London, the accents, and all y’all, I think my friend ship to someone who loves me is more important than an audition. Plus, I was supposed to go back in a week anyway. I have college to attend, and its college in New York, which is another place I’ve always wanted to go. So it’s better this way.” I say and sit next to him, my hands still firmly grasped in his.

“What school in New York? DID YOU GET INTO JULLIARD?!” Louis exclaims with a bright smile and I laugh.

“No, I didn’t even apply for Julliard; I have no way to pay for it.” I say and add a sigh mentally, “No, I’m going to AMDA.” I say and look at Louis.

“You could’ve gotten into Julliard, you so could’ve.” He says with a smile.

“Thanks Louis.” I say and release his hands and hug him.

“No problem.” He slightly whispers and pulls back slightly, not all the way, just enough that our faces are close to touching. He leans in slightly and I know he’s about to kiss me. I smile slightly, despite myself and right before our lips are about to touch, he whispers, “You sure?” He asks, and I simply laugh a little in response. He closes his eyes, but I keep mine open until our lips meet.

Now, I’m not going to say, “Oh it was so magical and when I closed my eyes I saw unicorns shitting out his face!” No. That’s ridiculous, but as far as first kisses go, that was pretty great. It wasn’t a long kiss, more like a slight brush of lips. Slowly, he pulls back and I open my eyes and look at him.

“Did that convince you to stay?” He asks with a wink. I smile slightly as things rush into my head.

“Nope. Sorry.” I say a little too quickly.

“Oh come on, you didn’t even think about it.” He says with a smile and for the first time with Louis, my heart melts. No.

“Still leaving.” I say and get up and cross to my dresser. I grab some things out of it, and put them into my bag and zip up one of the inner pockets.

“Ok, luv, what’s wrong?” Louis asks, stopping me again.

“It’s just that… I don’t know. I’m leaving, on Monday, and really, I can’t even. Really, I like you and all, and I’m starting to like you, but I am leaving, and I don’t want you to get hurt, and obviously and selfishly, I don’t want to get hurt either. But I really do like you Louis, I really do.” I say, just looking at my bag and not at all at him, because with that last sentence I started to tear up a little.

“Ok Rachel, I get it. Don’t feel bad.” He says as he stands up and tries to hug me, but I extend my hand and stop him.

“Louis… please.” I say, and the tears are building a wall, and things are getting blurry.

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